Question | Answer | % Correct |
In how many James Bond films did Sean Connery play James Bond? | 7 | 94%
Who was assassinated to cause WW1? | Franz Ferdinand | 90%
Where was Auschwitz? | Poland | 87%
Which poet wrote The Raven? | Edgar Allen Poe | 77%
What country drills the most oil per day? | United States | 52%
Where in your body can you find the tibia? | LOWER leg | 29%
From what sport do the terms ankletap, blitz defens and dummy runner originate? | Rugby | 29%
What country is roughly the same size as Texas? | France | 16%
In music, what does Ritardando mean? | Slow down | 16%
90% of what animals population is gone since 1970? | Rhinoceros | 10%
What is the poorest country in the world? | Central African Republic | 6%
What is the Latin word for sun? | Solis | 3%
What was the first carry on film? | Carry on sergeant | 0%
What sport was new at the Olympic Games in 2012? | Mixed double Tennis | 0%
What 2 brothers invented the cinema? | The Lumières brothers | 0%
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