Hint | Treatment | % Correct |
Traditional Chinese treatment in which needles are inserted into the body | Acupuncture | 95%
Involves the use of water | {Hydro}therapy | 80%
According to it, sustances causing a disease can also be used to cure it. Steve Jobs used it to treat his pancreatic cancer, rejecting other scientific treatments. | {Homeo}pathy | 74%
Uses essential oils to improve well-being through smells | {Aroma}therapy | 72%
Previously sold as a panacea, it is used as a term referring to fake cures or treatments | {Snake} oil | 63%
Uses quartz, opals and amethysts | {Crystal} healing | 62%
Manipulates the spine and other joints to improve general health through the nervous system | Chiropractic | 48%
Introduces the molecule O3 to the body. It can produce paraplegias, pulmonary embolisms and heart attacks | {Ozone} therapy | 42%
Version of the above that applies pressure instead of needles | Acupressure | 37%
Traditional Chinese treatment that applies heated "cups" on the skin | {Cupping} Therapy | 33%
Maps parts of the body onto 'zones' of the feet, then applying pressure those zones to produce an effect elsewhere | {Reflex}ology | 27%
Transfers universal energy from the palms of the practitioner to the patient without contact | Reiki | 25%
Tries to rid the body of unspecified "toxins". This term is also used on evidence-based medicine to refer to other treatments and processes | Detoxification | 22%
Umbrella term for many practices promoting "self-healing" and rejecting any "artificial" or "invasive" treatments | {Naturo}pathy | 22%
Popularized by Galen, it fell out of favour when germ theory arrived. It used bloodletting as a tool to regulate its four chemical systems: Blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile | {Humor}ism | 21%
Similar to the above, it focuses on improving blood flow | Osteopathy | 9%
Based around the use of salt | {Halo}therapy | 7%
Consumption of urine for health and cosmetic purposes | Urophagia | 3%
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