Fun! But how do you domesticate a bee? I have visions of a bee whisperer going bzzzzzzzz very quietly at them and a messy random group of them them forming a line and flying into a hive
I don't think that 'Honeybees' can be counted as 'Domesticated'........ used by stealing the honey yes but that's all. I called several Bees that were in my garden and not one came for a pat.
Oxen is a term used to describe cattle that have been trained as work animals. They are typically castrated males, but not always. It doesn't refer to any particular species.
I know lots of people in my area of the US who raise ducks. We had several when our kids were at home - White Pekins and Khaki Campbells, mostly. Pekins are mean and would nip the kids on the backs of their legs, but my Khaki Campbells were sweet little things.
fun fact: American turkeys were so named because they resembled the African guinea fowl, which made their to Europe imported through the Ottoman Empire and were therefore known as turkey cocks or turkeyhens.
Not arguing with your source, but honestly, I don't see much resemblance between guineas and turkeys other than the obvious bird traits. I thought turkeycocks and turkeyhens were just male and female turkeys, and they are much larger than guineafowl and don't even sound alike. Maybe they looked different back in those days.
wild turkeys look very similar to guinea fowl to me. I'm not an ornithologist, and if I had to I'm sure I could spot the difference, but they're definitely similar-looking. The concept of biological species as we commonly understand it wasn't constructed until about 200 years after Europeans started to settle in the new world and first saw these birds.
Maybe because they think cats have domesticated us and not the other way around. We're trained to feed them, house them and clean up after them while they do whatever hell they want. Which other animal has its own personal door in and out of your house?
Stop right this instant! What do you think you're doing? You can't say everybody's got a water buffalo when everybody does not have a water buffalo. We're going to get nasty letters saying, "Where's my water buffalo?" "Why don't I have a water buffalo?" And are you prepared to deal with that? I don't think so, just stop being so silly!
can you allow 'wolf' for dog? i would argue that the wolf was domesticated, producing a dog, rather than the dog being domesticated. (also all the names for the undomesticated versions of the animals on this list, although i can't think of any of the rest)
Consider adding "burro" as well, since the Spanish name is widely used by non-Spanish speakers.
(Also I for some reason tried Bison and Gnu but not Buffalo)