Author | Name in the title | % Correct |
William Shakespeare | Romeo and {Juliet} | 100%
J.K. Rowling | {Harry} Potter and the Goblet of Fire | 98%
Mark Twain | The Adventures of {Tom} Sawyer | 96%
Roald Dahl | {Charlie} and the Chocolate Factory | 95%
Yann Martel | Life of {Pi} | 94%
Charles Dickens | {Oliver} Twist | 93%
E.B. White | {Charlotte}'s Web | 89%
L.M. Montgomery | {Anne} of Green Gables | 88%
Oscar Wilde | The Picture of {Dorian} Gray | 87%
Astrid Lindgren | {Pippi} Longstocking | 83%
Thomas Hardy | {Tess} of the D'Urbervilles | 70%
Judy Blume | Are You There God? It's Me, {Margaret} | 46%
Richard Bach | {Jonathan} Livingston Seagull | 41%
Thomas Hardy | {Jude} the Obscure | 37%
Daniel Defoe | {Moll} Flanders | 36%
John Irving | A Prayer for {Owen} Meany | 32%
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