Hint of the title | Title | % Correct |
Title of slavic monarchs, especially in Russia | Tsar | 99%
Name of the leader of Nazi Germany | Führer | 88%
Noble title, title of the ruler of f.ex. Ottoman Empire | Sultan | 83%
Monarchs in the ancient Egypt (3150 BC -30 BC) | Pharaoh | 82%
Head of government in Germany | Chancellor | 79%
Female equivalent or spouse of the above^ | Tsarina | 78%
Title of morarchs in Persia and Afghanistan | Shah | 70%
Aristocratic or noble title for high office in arabic countries, f.ex. UAE | Emir | 64%
Teacher of Torah in judaism | Rabbi | 64%
Religious leader authorized to perform sacred rituals (f.ex.Shinto, Christian, Jewish) | Priest | 62%
Title of the ruler of Monaco | Prince | 62%
Islamic leadership position, worship leader of a mosque | Imam | 55%
Teacher of Dhamma in Tibetan Buddhism | Lama | 50%
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