The Globalization and World Cities Research Network, or GaWC, has created a list of certain cities that are “Alpha”, “Beta”, and “Gamma” level. Alpha level cities are linked to major economic states/regions and highly integrated into the world economy, Beta level cities are cities that link moderate economic regions to the world economy, and Gamma level cities are cities that link smaller economic regions into the world economy. Also, each level is divided into three sections, and these are +, nothing, and -, except for Alpha, which has ++ in addition to the other sections. For example, the Beta sections are Beta+, Beta, and Beta-.
For cities whose name is the same as the country it’s in, the country’s name won’t be provided.
More like triple the time, this looks impossible. My high score in CoTW took longer than this, and this quiz is not only longer but is harder as well. Not to mention the inaccuracies.