Description | Followers | Location | Religion | % Correct |
Denomination of Christianity that accepts the authority of the pope in Rome. Believes in the importance of the virgin Mary, the sacraments, tradition, and the papacy. | ≈ 1.3 Billion | Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa, Americas, Oceania, Phillipines, etc. | Catholicism | 100%
It is the first Abrahamic Religion, and believes that the Messiah is yet to come. It began around the year 1800 BCE when Abraham established a covenant with God. | ≈ 14 Million | Israel, Europe, North America | Judaism | 97%
Sect of Islam that began after the death of Muhammad in the year 632 A.D. They believe that the first 4 caliphs were rightful successors of Muhammad. | ≈ 1.6 Billion | Asia, North Africa, Balkans, Indonesia | Sunni | 94%
Denomination of Christianity that split from Catholicism in 1054. Rejects the authority of the pope, and is instead governed by patriarchs. | ≈ 300 Million | Eastern Europe, Caucasia, Egypt, Ethiopia | Orthodox | 91%
Very broad denomination of Christianity that consists of many other churches. Rejects the authority of the pope in Rome, and split from Catholicism in the 16th century. | ≈ 800 Million | Americas, Europe, Oceania, Sub-Saharan Africa | Protestantism | 91%
Religion founded by Joseph Smith in the year 1830 A.D. It is often debated whether it is truly a denomination of Christianity, as it rejects the holy trinity, it accepts extra holy books, etc. | ≈ 16 Million | Utah, North America | Mormonism | 88%
Sect of Islam that began after the death of Muhammad in the year 632 A.D. They believe that Ali was the rightful successor of Muhammad. | ≈ 200 Million | Iran, Iraq, Middle East | Shia | 88%
It is the youngest Dharmic religion and was founded by Guru Nanak in the late 15th century. They worship Waheguru and believe in equality, tolerance, and justice. | ≈ 26 Million | Punjab, Northern India. | Sikhism | 65%
Abrahamic Religion started by Baha'u'llah in Iran in the year 1844 and believes in the prophets Krishna, Moses, Zarathustra, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, the Báb, and finally Baha'u'llah. | ≈ 8 Million | Americas, India, Africa, Middle East | Baha'i | 62%
Religious movement that began in the 1930s by Marcus Garvey. They believe that Haile Selassie, former emperor of Ethiopia, is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. | ≈ 800,000 | Jamaica | Rastafarianism | 56%
Persian religion that began around 500-1000 BCE when Zarathustra received a revelation. They believe that Ahura Mazda is the one true god and that there is a never-ending battle between good and evil. | ≈ 150,000 | Iran, India, North America | Zoroastrianism | 53%
Sect of Islam that began in the year 692 A.D. They believe that the ruler of Islam does not need to be descended from the Quraysh tribe. | ≈ 7 Million | Oman, North Africa, Zanzibar | Ibadi | 47%
Abrahamic religion that split from Isma'ili Islam in the 11th century. Today, it is no longer considered Muslim as they reject the 5 pillars, and they believe in a form of reincarnation. | ≈ 900,000 | The Levant | Druze | 41%
Ethnic religion of the Kurdish people. They believe in a fallen angel who was forgiven by God and set to govern the Earth in God's place. | ≈ 1 Million | Kurds, Middle East | Yazidism | 35%
Religion founded by Charles Russel in the year 1872 A.D. Like the previous religion, it is debated whether it is a denomination as they reject the holy trinity. | ≈ 8 Million | Americas, Europe, Africa | Jehovah Witness | 32%
Religion that believes in a sky god as the creator of the universe. It was originally a polytheistic religion, but as it spread further west into Europe and West Asia, it was influenced by Islam and Christianity where it eventually reformed into a monotheistic religion. | ≈ 50,000 | Central Asia | Tengrism | 32%
Once a major religion that spread from across the Roman Empire to China, it is nearly extinct today. It is a gnostic and dualistic religion that was founded by Mani in the 3rd century A.D. They believe that Mani was the final prophet after Zarathustra, Buddha, and Jesus. | >1,000 or Extinct | South China | Manichaeism | 24%
Also known as Nasoraeanism or Sabianism, it is a Gnostic, Ethnic, and Abrahamic Religion that believes the Messiah was John the Baptist, and believes Jesus was a false messiah. It began in Palestine some time in the first 3 centuries A.D. | ≈70,000 | Middle East, Sweden, Australia | Mandaeism | 12%
Neo-Confucian religious movement that started in the 19th century in Korea. They believe in a god called Hanul and venerate Cheon (Sky) as the ultimate principle of good and justice. | ≈1.3 Million | Korean Peninsula | Cheondosim | 9%
Ethnic religion of the Oromo people in Ethiopia that believes Waaqa is the creator of the universe and has many manifestations (or spiritis) called Ayyaana. | ≈ 1.1 Million | Oromo, Ethiopia | Waaqeffannaa | 6%
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