Hint | Answer | % Correct |
The most famous plant eater with three horns. | Triceratops | 100%
A large and famous predatory Dinosaur. | Tyrannosaurus | 100%
An intelligent and swift predatory dinosaur. | Velociraptor | 100%
A famous quadruped that had rows of plates along its back. | Stegosaurus | 88%
A massive sauropod from the late Jurassic once known as Brontosaurus. | Apatosaurus | 85%
A dual-crested dinosaur that wandered the forest of the Early Jurassic. | Dilophosaurus | 81%
The first dinosaur with proof that they cared for their young. | Maiasaura | 62%
A small primitive dinosaur from the triassic. | Procompsognathus | 50%
The Canadian, single horned relative of Triceratops. | Styracosaurus | 50%
A large flying Pterosaur from the Early Cretaceous rocks of Brazil. | Cearadactylus | 38%
A large hadrosaur found in North America that lived in herds. | Hadrosaurus | 38%
A tiny ornithopod named after Othniel Charles Marsh. | Othnielia | 35%
A large armoured ankylosaur from canada. | Euoplocephalus | 31%
A small yet fast herbivore found mainly in Europe. | Hypsilophodon | 31%
A small swift Ceratopsian from Mongolia | Microceratops | 31%
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