Question | Answer | % Correct |
...was NOT assassinated? | Ronald Reagan | 100%
...was a veteran five-star general? | Dwight Eisenhower | 94%
...ordered the atomic bomb to be dropped on two Japanese cities? | Harry Truman | 94%
...was the youngest when he was elected president? | John Kennedy | 94%
...has the picture of their face on the Illinois license plate? | Abraham Lincoln | 88%
...had Polio? | Franklin Roosevelt | 88%
| on Mount Rushmore? | Theodore Roosevelt | 82%
| on the $50 dollar bill? | Ulysses Grant | 82%
...had the shortest term? | William Harrison | 82%
...was the heaviest? | William Taft | 82%
...went by his middle name? | Woodrow Wilson | 82%
...never married? | James Buchanan | 76%
...had 15 children? | John Tyler | 65%
...was the last to serve in the 1800s? | William McKinley | 59%
...was born in Nebraska? | Gerald Ford | 53%
...signed the Constitution? | James Madison | 47%
...did NOT die on July 4th? | James Madison | 47%
...had a pet parrot? | Andrew Jackson | 41%
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