Hint | Answer | % Correct |
What color is the 8-ball in the game of pool? | Black | 97%
Vienna is the capital of what country? | Austria | 82%
What country borders San Marino? | Italy | 79%
What is the state fruit of New York? | Apple | 78%
What island do lemurs come from? | Madagascar | 78%
What body part can be affected by cataracts? | Eye | 77%
What alcoholic drink is mainly made from juniper berries? | Gin | 77%
What is Superman's achilles heel? | Kryptonite | 76%
When Jack fell down and broke his crown, who came tumbling after? | Jill | 72%
What Starbucks size, larger than a grande, is also the Italian word for "twenty"? | Venti | 70%
What is the first book of Bible? | Genesis | 66%
The flag of the United Kingdom is also called a? | Union Jack | 63%
The star Betelgeuse is pronounced like what two English words? | Beetle Juice | 62%
If you're killing a goomba, what game are you playing? | Super Mario Bros. | 59%
Who wrote the "Moonlight Sonata"? | Ludwig van Beethoven | 55%
What is the world's most expensive spice by weight? | Saffron | 53%
What is 5 factorial? | 120 | 41%
What word can be formed by adding three letters to the middle of PANIC? | Pandemic | 37%
Where did the pineapple plant originate? | South America | 21%
What is the mascot of Texas University? | Longhorns | 19%
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