Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Sherlock and John | Johnlock | 78%
Sherlock and Molly | Sherlolly | 77%
Sherlock and Irene | Adlock | 69%
John and Molly | Johnolly | 65%
Mycroft and Lestrade | Mystrade | 50%
Sherlock and Moriarty | Jimlock | 49%
Lestrade and Molly | Molstrade | 49%
Sherlock and Mycroft | Holmescest | 39%
Mycroft and Irene | Myrene | 36%
Mycroft and Molly | Mollcroft | 33%
John and Mycroft | Johncroft | 31%
Sherlock and Lestrade | Sherstrade | 31%
Molly and Irene | Molrene | 29%
Mycroft and Anthea | Mythea | 29%
John and Lestrade | Johnstrade | 27%
Moriarty and Irene | Morene | 27%
Sherlock and Moran | Morlock | 25%
Moran and Moriarty | Mormor | 23%
Moriarty and Molly | Molliarty | 22%
Anderson and Sherlock | Anderlock | 21%
Mycroft and Sally | Salcroft | 18%
Donovan and Sherlock | Sherlovan | 18%
Anderson and Donovan | Andervan | 16%
Moran and John | Johnbastian | 16%
John and Moriarty | Johniarty | 16%
Moriarty and Mycroft | Moricroft | 16%
Moriarty and Lestrade | Moristrade | 16%
Sherlock and Mrs. Hudson | Hudlock | 14%
John and Irene | Jorene | 14%
Lestrade and Irene | Lestradler | 11%
John, Sherlock and Lestrade | Johnlockstrade | 10%
Molly and Moran | Mollbastian | 10%
Irene and Kate | Irate | 8%
John, Molly and Sherlock | Jollock | 8%
Mary and John | Warstan | 7%
Moran and Irene | Sebrene | 5%
Moriarty and Richard Brook | Jimcest | 3%
Richard Brook and Severin Moran | Severich | 2%
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