Homeworld | Species | Affiliations | Occupation | Rank | Death | Quote | Answer | % Correct |
Shili | Togruta | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Commander | Alive | "In my life, when you find people who need your help, you help them, no matter what." | Ahsoka Tano | 100%
Tatooine | Human | Jedi Order | Jedi Knight | Jedi General | 4 ABY, DS-2 Death Star II | "Look, I know this is tough, but...I want it to be difficult. This is about life and death. And as your master, I'm responsible for you. The best way I can protect you is to teach you how to protect yourself." | Anakin Skywalker | 100%
Alderaan | Human | Republic Senate | Politician | Senator of Alderaan | 0 BBY, Alderaan | "Everything I'm trying to build is too new and too fragile. We're not as secure as I'd like us to be, and things slip through the cracks as a result." | Bail Prestor Organa | 100%
Serenno | Human | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Count, Jedi General | 19 BBY, Invisible Hand | "I'm afraid it's too late." | Dooku | 100%
Iridonia | Zabrak | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 14 BBY | No Qoute | Eeth Koth | 100%
Coruscant | Human | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Chief Librarian | 19 BBY, Coruscant | No Qoute | Jocasta Nu | 100%
Cerea | Cerean | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 19 BBY, Mygeeto | No Qoute | Ki-Adi-Mundi | 100%
Haruun Kal | Human | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 19 BBY, Coruscant | ("I am told that you will be presented with Master Katri's Council seat.") "I will." | Mace Windu | 100%
Dorin | Kel Dor | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 19 BBY, Cato Neimoidia | No Qoute | Plo Koon | 100%
Coruscant | Human | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 32 BBY, Naboo | "Just thinking in the moment, Master." | Qui-Gon Jinn | 100%
Naboo | Human | Sith Order | Sith Lord | Supreme Chancellor, Darth, Lord | 4 ABY, DS-2 Death Star II | "Wipe them out. All of them." | Sidious | 100%
Unknown | Unknown | Jedi Order | Grand Master | Master of the Order | 4 ABY, Dagobah | No Qoute | Yoda | 100%
Unknown | Unknown | Inquisitorius | Inquisitor | Dark Acolyte | 18 BBY, Raada | "Jedi! You have something I want." | Bil Valen ''Sixth Brother'' | 50%
Coruscant | Human | Jedi Order | Jedi Padawan | Jedi Commander | 1 BBY, Lothal | No Qoute | Caleb Dume | 50%
Chalacta | Human | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 19 BBY, Kaller | No Qoute | Depa Billaba | 50%
Mirial | Mirialan | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | Between 68 BBY and 42 BBY, Raxus Secundus | No Qoute | Katri | 50%
Chandrila | Human | Republic Senate | Politician | Senator of Chandrila | Alive | No Qoute | Mon Mothma | 50%
Naboo | Human | Republic Senate | Politician | Senator of Naboo | 19 BBY, Polis Massa | No Qoute | Padmé Amidala | 50%
Iktotch | Iktotchi | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 19 BBY, Coruscant | No Qoute | Saesee Tiin | 50%
Unknown | Unknown | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 32 BBY, Coruscant | "There's still a chance to make things right." | Yaddle | 50%
Kamino | Human | GAR, 501st Legion | Soldier | Lieutenant | 19 BBY, Tribunal | ''Sorry, Commander.'' | CT-5597 ''Jesse'' | 0%
Kamino | Human | GAR, 501st Legion | Soldier | Captain | Alive | ''Yeah, Jesse really tagged you.'' | CT-7567 ''Rex'' | 0%
Unknown | Human | Republic Senate | Politician | Senator | Alive | ("Corruption like yours must be eradicated.") | Dagonet | 0%
Shili | Togruta | Togruta Village | Unknown | Eldest | Alive | "Jedi. Ahsoka is Jedi." | Gantika | 0%
Raxus Secundus | Human | Galactic Republic | Guard | Unknown | Between 68 BBY and 42 BBY, Raxus Secundus | "You and all the Senate puppets will see a reckoning!" | Hanel | 0%
Raxus Secundus | Human | Republic Senate | Politician | Senator of Raxus Secundus | Between 68 BBY and 42 BBY, Raxus Secundus | No Qoute | Larik | 0%
Shili | Togruta | Togruta Village | Unknown | Civilian | Alive | "We will go out in force. We will not stop until we find her." | Nak-il | 0%
Shili | Togruta | Togruta Village | Unknown | Civilian | Alive | “You face death, Ahsoka. Not fear it.” | Pav-ti | 0%
Raxus Secundus | Human | Galactic Republic | Guard | Unknown | Alive | “Jedi claim peace but mostly keep law and order for the rich and powerful.” | Semage | 0%
Cosia | Cosian | Jedi Order | Jedi Master | Jedi General | 9 BBY | No Qoute | Tera Sinube | 0%
Unknown | Unknown Droid | Village | Unknown | Droid | Alive | No Qoute | Two-ton | 0%
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