Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Has the nine tails in him | naruto | 99%
kage bunshin | naruto | 99%
the very man that sasuke wants to kill | itachi | 66%
obitos tailed beast | 10 tails | 57%
failed rasengan is called ( made by kakashi) | chidori | 51%
can go through somebody | chidori | 51%
narutos favorite food | ramen | 40%
nagato | pain | 36%
split Kurama and naruto up | obito | 35%
thing that is in every character in naruto | chakra | 33%
tai jutsu | rock lee | 27%
bruce wayne | batman | 23%
no | no | 20%
phoenix flower ( fire style ) | sasuke | 19%
name the fire evolution of eevee | flareon | 18%
something sasuke and naruto lost in their final fight | their arms | 14%
what is the quirk of all might | one for all | 10%
who saved errie | deku | 9%
What is narutos strongest form . | 6 paths sage | 8%
shiguraki quirk | decay | 7%
bakugo's quirk | explosions | 5%
what was kakashi trying to cover with his mask | a nose bleed | 4%
todoroki quirk | half hot half cold | 4%
allowed sasuke to bypass through garraa sand | tai jutsu | 4%
dabi quirk | cremation | 3%
all fire jutsus start with this | tiger | 2%
narutos nine tails mode | tailed beast mode | 1%
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