The world of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (JJBA), a Japanese series originated by writer and manga artist Hirohiko Araki, is, well, bizarre! From the streets of Victorian England to the colorful sights and sounds of Italy, it is a world full of unexpected turns, action-packed battles that will have you on the edge of your seat, powerful enemies around every corner, and unique characters and personalities that will have you dying of laughter or crying your heart out! Can you name a character based on a single clue, such as an iconic line, simple adjective, inside joke from the community, or even a single word? Are you a true JoJo fan? Take this quiz to find out!
-Who's YOUR favorite JoJo character? Is there a reason they're your favorite? Let me know in the comments!-
Here's my answer to the question I put in the title: My favorite character in JJBA is Noriaki Kakyoin, for no particular reason other than he's a great character and is much more in depth than what he appears to be. I look forward to hearing everyone else's responses!