Organization, Club
453 Disaster Relief
Abel Hall Residence
Actuarial Science
Afghan Renascent Youth
Afghan Student
African Student
Afrikan Peoples Union
Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow
Agricultural Economics/Agribusiness
Agricultural Education /Alpha Tau
Agricultural Leadership, Education &
Communication Graduate Student
Agriculture Economics Graduate Student
Agronomy and Horticulture Graduate
Aikido at UNL
All Girls All Math Recruitment Team
Allies and Advocates for GLBT Equality
Alpha Chi Omega
Alpha Delta Pi
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Alpha Gamma Nu
Alpha Gamma Rho
Alpha Gamma Sigma
Alpha Kappa Psi - Professional Business Fraternity
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Omega Campus Ministry
Alpha Omicron Pi
Alpha Phi
Alpha Phi Alpha
Alpha Phi Sigma
Alpha Pi Mu
Alpha Rho Chi/Pytheos Chapter
Alpha Tau Omega
Alpha Xi Delta
Alpha Zeta
Amateur Radio , UNL
American of Petroleum
Geologists, Student Chapter
American of Textile Chemists and Colorists
American Cancer Society, UNL Chapter
American Chemical Society
American Choral Directors
American Civil Liberties Union-UNL
American Copy Editors Society
American Institute of Aeronautics and
American Institute of Architecture Students
American Institute of Chemical Engineers
American Marketing
American Medical Student-Pre Med
American Meteorological Society
American Society of Agricultural and
Biological Engineers
American Society of Civil Engineers
American Society of Interior Designers
American Society of Landscape Architects
Student Chapter
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Amnesty International
Animal Science Graduate Student
Anthro Group
Arnold Air Society
Art League
Arts and Sciences Student Advisory Board
Asian World Alliance
Associated General Contractors for Computing Machinery
Athletic Training Student
Azerbaijani American
Baha'i Student
Ballroom Dance
Bathtub Dogs
Beta Alpha Psi/Delta Omicron Chapter
Beta Beta Beta Biological Society
Beta Gamma Sigma
Beta Sigma Psi
Beta Theta Pi
Beyond Borders
Biochemistry Graduate Student
Biological Graduate Student
Biomedical Engineering Society
Biomolecular Initiative Group
Black Graduate Student
Black Law Student
Black Men Organized for Retention and
Block and Bridle
Break Dance Organization
Boots & Cats
Burr-Fedde of Resident Members
Campus Cannabis
Campus Crusade for Christ
Campus Impact
Campus Recreation Advisory Council
Campus Red Cross
CASNR Week Program Council
Cather Pound Residence
Chess, UNL
Chi Alpha
Chi Epsilon
Chi Omega
Chi Phi
Chinese Student & Scholar
Christian Challenge
Christian Legal Society
Christian Medical Dental
Christian Student Fellowship
Cinema 16
Circle K
Classic Literature
Climbing International
Cognition, Learning, and Development
Student Organization
College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural
Resources Advisory Board
College of Business Administration
Student Advisory Board
College of Education & Human Sciences
Advisory Board
College of Engineering Diplomats
College of Journalism and Mass Communications/CoJMC Ambassadors
College Republicans
Collegiate Music Educators National
Communication Studies , UNL
Conventus Classicus
Cornerstone United Ministries in Higher
Cornhusker Student Subunit of the
American Fisheries Society
Counseling Psychology Student
Criminal Justice Student
Culinology Hospitality Management
Cultural Ambassadors Program
Czech Komensky (Comenius)
Daily Nebraskan
Dance Marathon
Defense Research Institute
Delta Delta Delta
Delta Epsilon Chi
Delta Gamma
Delta Sigma Pi
Delta Sigma Theta
Delta Tau Delta
Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity
Delta Upsilon
Diversity Enhancement Team
Ducks Unlimited Chapter, UNL
Eating Disorder Education and Prevention
Ecology Now
Economics Graduate Student
Education for the World
Egyptian Students Organization
Electronic Gaming
Engineering Student Advisory Board
Engineers Without Borders
Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship
English Graduate Student
Environmental and Agricultural Law
Environmental Educators of Tomorrow
Environmental Energy
Epic Movement
Equal Justice Society
Eta Kappa Nu
Eternal Salvation Can Apply to People Everywhere
European Students Unite
Family Science Organization
Fellowship of Catholic University Students
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
FFA Alumni
Fine Art Photo
Fly Fishing , UNL
Flying Huskers Booster
Food Science
Forensic Science
Forensics Team/Forensics Union,
Affiliated with Delta Sigma Rho-Tau
Kappa Alpha
Foto UNL
Free Culture
French / Francophone
Gamma Phi Beta
Gamma Theta Upsilon (Alpha Phi Chapter)
Geography Student Organization
Global Friends of Japan
Global T Organization
Global Unification
Golden Key International Honor Society
Graduate Musicians Organization
Graduate Student
Greek Ambassadors
Harper Schramm Smith Residence
Hillel /Jewish Student
History Graduate Students
Hixson-Lied College of Fine & Performing
Arts Advisory Board
Honors Ambassadors
Honors Peer Mentoring
Honors Program Student Advisory Board
Hospitality Sales & Marketing
International UNL Student Chapter
Humanities in Medicine
Husker Bass Anglers
Husker Choices
Husker Hall Residence
Husker Motorsports UNL Formula SAE
Husker Village Council
Huskers for Prosperity
Ideas Have Consequences
IMPACT "2012"
Impact World Hunger
India Students
Individuals Committed to the Achievement
of Non-traditionals (ICAN)
Innocents Society
Insect Science
Institute of Electrical & Electronics
Institute of Industrial Engineers
Institute of Transportation Engineers
Intercultural Dialog Group
Interfraternity Council
International for the Exchange
of Students for Technical Experience
International Folk Dancers
International Interior Design
International Justice Mission
International Mosaic Singers
International Student Fellowship
International Student Organization
Iota Phi Theta
Iranian Student Organization
Iraqi Student Union
J. Reuben Clark Law Society
Journalism and Mass Communication
Justin Smith Morrill Scholars
Kappa Alpha Psi
Kappa Alpha Theta
Kappa Delta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Kappa Kappa Psi
Kappa Phi
Kappa Sigma
Kauffman Residents'
Kingdom Impact
Knights of Columbus Council 13015
Knoll Council
Korean Student
Lambda Chi Alpha
Lambda Theta NU Sorority Inc.
Large Animal Veterinary Medical
Latin American Student Organization
Latter Day Saint Student
Laurus Magazine
Law, Healthcare and Ethics Interest Group
Learning Communities, University of NE.
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Nebraska Chapter
Lied Center Student Council
Lincoln Fantasy and Science Fiction
Literary League
Love Memorial Hall Cooperative
Lutheran Chapel
Lutheran Student Center
Management Information Systems
Master of Business Administration Student
Math Department Graduate Student
Mechanical/Electrical Specialty
Mechanized Systems Management
Men's Bowling
Men's Programs
Men's Rugby
Men's Soccer
Men's Ultimate
Mexican American Student
Microbiology Graduate Student
Organization, Club
Minorities in Agricultural Natural/ (MANRRS)
Resources and Related Sciences
Mock Trial Organization
Modern Languages and Literature
Mortar Board
Multicultural Business Student
Multicultural Greek Council
Multicultural Students in Media
Muslim Students
National Agri-Marketing
National of Home Builders -
National Broadcasting Society
National Pan-Hellenic Council
National Residence Hall Honorary
National Society of Black Engineers
National Society of Collegiate Scholars
National Student Speech, Language and
Naval Professional Development Society
Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps