The original work for this quiz was done by ThatOneGuy25 - all I did was change the user interface to accept only the two letter state abbreviation to cut down on the typing (hey...I'm lazy). Type the postal abbreviations of two US states that share a border, and that border will be drawn. Example: instead of typing Alabama Mississippi as in the original version, this will accept only ALMS or MSAL (no space, no dash).
I got to 105 and had no idea why I wasn't done. I scrolled down and found the two borderless states (which should have been mentioned in the description or caveats), and also a blank cell under VAWV that remained blank after the quiz was finished. I can see the white border because I have Jetpunk on dark mode. You should set the border width to 0; you can't assume that no one will see if it's the same color as the background when the background can be white or black.