Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Start of the COVID-19 pandemic | Trump | 95%
Cuban missile crisis | Kennedy | 82%
Attack on Pearl Harbor | Roosevelt, F. D. | 82%
Osama bin Laden killed | Obama | 79%
Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki | Truman | 76%
World War I | Wilson | 75%
American troops withdrawn from Afghanistan | Biden | 72%
9/11 attacks | Bush, G. W. | 72%
Assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. | Johnson, L. B. | 65%
Great Wall Street crash | Hoover | 64%
Battle of Gettysburg | Lincoln | 63%
Y2K panic | Clinton | 62%
Iran-Contra affair | Reagan | 56%
The Soviet Union dissolves | Bush, G. H. W. | 55%
Hawaii admitted as the most recent state | Eisenhower | 55%
Star Wars releases | Carter | 53%
Apollo 11 moon landing | Nixon | 52%
Government moves to Washington, D.C. | Adams, J. | 51%
Louisiana purchase | Jefferson | 48%
The Vietnam War ends with communist victory | Ford | 45%
Indian Removal Act passed | Jackson | 42%
Bill of Rights adopted | Washington | 42%
War of 1812 | Madison | 40%
Teapot Dome scandal | Harding | 38%
Charles Lindbergh makes his trans-Atlantic flight | Coolidge | 37%
The Wright Brothers take flight | Roosevelt, T. | 37%
Spanish-American War | McKinley | 30%
Liberia settled | Monroe | 29%
Confederate States of America formed | Buchanan | 21%
Kansas-Nebraska Act | Pierce | 19%
Texas annexation | Polk | 19%
End of Reconstruction | Hayes | 18%
Arizona and New Mexico admitted | Taft | 18%
Custer's Last Stand / Little Bighorn | Grant | 16%
Dedication of the Statue of Liberty | Cleveland | 15%
Alaska purchase | Johnson, A. | 14%
Erie Canal completed | Adams, J. Q. | 12%
Start of the California Gold Rush | Taylor | 12%
Fugitive Slave Act passed | Fillmore | 11%
Wounded Knee Massacre | Harrison, B. | 9%
American Red Cross founded | Garfield | 8%
Washington Monument completed | Arthur | 7%
Webster–Ashburton Treaty | Tyler | 7%
Michigan admitted as a state | Van Buren | 6%
United States v. The Amistad decided | Harrison, W. H. | 5%
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