Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Cisco's super name | Vibe | 98%
The new main bad guy | Zoom | 93%
Joe's new found son | Wally West | 91%
Caitlyn's doppleganger on earth 2 | Killer Frost | 86%
What does Wells steal from Barry | Speed | 86%
Who does the bad guy pretend to be | Jay Garrick | 79%
Barry goes back in time to save his..... | Mother | 77%
Barry's girlfriend who leaves Central City | Patty Spivot | 77%
Wells' daughter | Jesse Wells | 75%
What they call Harrison Wells from earth 2 | Harry | 74%
His real name | Hunter Zolomon | 71%
Cicso's doppleganger on earth 2 | Reverb | 68%
Metahuman who can slow down his surroundings | The Turtle | 62%
The real Jay Garrick is the.... | Flash | 57%
What does Barry give up to save Wally | His powers | 55%
Who did Zoom kill in the penultimate episode | Henry Allen | 54%
New DC spin off with Snart, Mick and Kendra | Legends of Tomorrow | 52%
Where did Barry get trapped | Speed force | 52%
Metahuman who escapes from an ARGUS facility | King Shark | 50%
The new host body for Firestorm | Jeffreson Jackson | 39%
Iris' mother | Francine West | 37%
What did Barry create to stop Zoom's plan | TIme remnant | 28%
Who saves Barry from the time wraith | Hartley Rathaway | 26%
Dante Ramon's doppleganger | Rupture | 25%
What makes barry 4x faster | Tachyon enhancement | 3%
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