
Countries by Coat of Arms #2

Can you name these countries based on a picture of their coat or arms or national emblem?
Quiz by Jiaozira
Last updated: November 21, 2018
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First submittedNovember 20, 2018
Times taken31,560
Average score60.0%
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Level 70
Nov 20, 2018
Maybe edit Australia's to remove the text name? Still not too hard to figure out.

Also not sure if this one intentionally doesn't have the yellow box like the other- I think it should.

Nice series! I like how you can generally figure out about half the ones that aren't immediately recognizable.

Level 76
Nov 20, 2018
I mostly agree, but find it hard to figure out those not recognisable. Well some are easy, but for the Zebras I think I typed 10 other African countries. And well afterwards the colours on "L'union fait la force" seem obvious. Likewise the sun on the last one, but couldn't figure it out while doing the quiz. What's the hat on a stick about though?
Level 72
Nov 21, 2018
I was wondering about the hat too. Seals are much easier to identify than flags. I'm color blind, but the shapes and figures give me something that I can recognize rather than just bands of colors that I have no idea what they are.
Level 84
Nov 26, 2018
It's Phrygian cap, a symbol of freedom found on several Latin American coats of arms and also on the seal of US Senate. The relevant Wikipedia articles usually have an explanation of the symbolism :)
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
I know (of) the phrygian cap, but to me these look like a floppy pointy hat. like santa's. I didn't know on how many seals it appears, quite a few it turns out. Even on the US senate seal. It looks so weird and funny to me, because the way it is depicted it evokes the images of gnomes/goblins/leprechauns/santa to me... with their red pointy hats... look a cute gnome

what the smurfs have look more like a phrygian cap to me.

Level 64
Oct 1, 2020
The black and white stripes on Botswana's flag represent zebras, so if you know that, the coat of arms is quite easy to guess.
Level ∞
Nov 21, 2018
I removed the yellow box from the original quiz and removed Australia's name from its coat of arms.
Level 57
Mar 26, 2019
Why? Those I got, I knew - prefer that to those typing in 75 random countries.
Level 83
Nov 20, 2018
Being a coin collector sure helps a lot with those!
Level 85
Feb 8, 2020
I'll second that.
Level 70
Nov 20, 2018
Number 11 took my some guessing....looks like an Aztec god so I started in Central-America...^^
Level 85
Nov 20, 2018
How did 5% not get the one that has the country's name on it?
Level 76
Nov 20, 2018
They were too busy looking at the kangaroo and emu, and wondering what on earth they were.
Level 71
Nov 21, 2018
They thought New Zealand was playing tricks again :)
Level 73
Nov 22, 2018
These are super fun. Please make more :)
Level 76
Mar 22, 2019
Level 73
Nov 22, 2018
That one is A LOT tougher than the first one. Looking at the percentages I am amazed some are as high as they are.

Either some very smart people on here, or a lot who cheat lol.

Or I guess the people who take this are big fans of flags and coats of arms, and those who aren't leave the quiz well alone.

Level 84
Nov 26, 2018
JetPunk is mainly visited by geography (countries, cities, flags ...) nerds :)
Level 63
Feb 19, 2019
Compared to other geography related topics my knowledge of flags is just mediocre. I still managed to get all but 3 here without much effort. Some are quite easy as they give you not only parts of the acutal flags but a combination of flora/fauna AND colors of the flags.
Level 63
Oct 3, 2021
There's a free app called "World Geography" and it's highly addictive. There are 26 different categories including countries, capitals, border outline, highest point, symbols, heads of state, life expectancy, etc... New categories open as you progress.

Light blue lettering over a blue background.

Level 50
Mar 26, 2019
Thailand's is so frikin cool
Level 71
Feb 22, 2021
I didn't know what that was so I looked it up:
Level 67
Mar 26, 2019
very strange that the uk's one is written in french
Level 85
Apr 27, 2019
Not when you consider that Britain was conquered by the Normans (who hailed from nowadays France).

For a long period, the English royalty spoke in French. That's the reason behind a lot of words with same meanings, but different origins (think of cow-beef, pig-pork and chicken-poultry)

Level 74
Oct 28, 2023
And "Law French" persisted even after the nobility switched from French to English--as good an example as you can imagine of lawyers' fondness for speaking a language that only they understand. We still use many of those terms, such as "escheat," "escrow," "estoppel," "laches," and "void dire."
Level 72
Aug 2, 2019
The dutch (and belgian) motto are in french aswell. "Je maintiendrai" plus a wholllle bunch of african ones.

And quite a few of the countries is in latin. Would you find that weird too? (some unepected like seychelles, suriname and angola) (and canada, you would expect that to be english or french)

Most are french, 26 (mainly africa), latin 20, spanish, 18 ( south america) or arabic, 15. That covers about 90% of the countries that have a motto. (and portuguese 6). This is going by the countries of the world considered on this website, so no countries that are not sovereign, no former countries, or territories.

Ow and about 20 english, but not sure if these are all confirmed ( if it is official, and/or if not simply the english translation is given)

Level 81
Mar 26, 2019
Missed some obvious ones
Level 82
Mar 26, 2019
These are, without exception, completely insane.
Level 31
Mar 26, 2019

Managed to get Botswana, the least popular one as they use the Pula as their currency.

Level 72
Aug 1, 2019
What did they do to the gnome in the picture for argentina ?! :O
Level 72
Aug 1, 2019
Hey.. wait a minute ! That same gnome has been in the tree in haiti !!
Level 85
Feb 8, 2020
In the Russian coat of arms, I'm pretty sure that's the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch in the claw of the eagle on the right.
Level 65
Oct 5, 2020
that Thai coat of arms is going to stalk me in my sleep and murder me in the middle of the night help-
Level 78
Oct 16, 2020
Why is Argentina's coat of arms two people coming to an agreement over the death of Papa Smurf?
Level 71
Oct 16, 2020
Ha! :)
Level 52
Aug 4, 2021
Level 60
Dec 26, 2020
It's funny that Botswana has their currency on their coat of arms. The currency is the Pula.
Level 71
Feb 22, 2021
On the last quiz like this, I said Mongolia was my fav coat of arms... but that just changed. Bhutan is absolutely AMAZING!!!! I wish my family could have a coat of arms like that.
Level 71
Feb 22, 2021
I quite like the Bhutanese design myself, it takes me back to the monastary I visited in Nepal with the ornate designs and all. Funny enough it was actually a Mongolian artist who designed the Bhutanese coat of arms! I get the idea that Mongolian art must be exceptionally beautiful.
Level 66
Oct 3, 2021
I wish my family had a coat of arms lol
Level 90
Jul 8, 2021
Peru pinned some medals on their llama's chest.
Level 52
Aug 4, 2021
Nice, I just did your #1 quiz and I'm looking forward for more :)
Level 71
Aug 4, 2021
Thank you!

If you are interested in continental version then I made one for Europe and Jetpunker yuzhuk has a series for each continent!

Level 40
Oct 3, 2021
All countries are going to war, but Argentina has decided to come togheter and finally find that Waldo guy...
Level 71
Oct 3, 2021
Haha. Poor Waldo must have chosen all the wrong words to describe the Argentine national football team :)
Level 35
Oct 4, 2021
For me Argentina and Botswana were the easiest because Pula is a currency of Botswana and for Argentina it's similar to it's flag
Level 74
Oct 7, 2021
"based on a picture of their coat oF arms"
Level 64
Feb 16, 2022
Scotland should work
Level 71
Feb 16, 2022
But Scotland is not a sovereign state, even if some of their symbols are included on the UK coat of arms.
Level 55
Aug 27, 2024
Scotland uses a slightly different one
Level 72
Jun 20, 2022
I wanna see Japan and Bhutan's beyblade battle
Level 71
Jun 20, 2022
Bhutan would surely win, it looks like solid metal :)
Level 69
Feb 27, 2023
The DRC only hires the best when making important national insignia, only the finest Microsoft Painters will do.