Transparent areas reflect the fact that Assyrian/Neo-Aramaic and Ainu are not majority languages in the respective areas. Assyrian is a majority language in smaller pockets, and while originally the map depicted this it was just too hard to make out, so I included the larger area. In hindsight, I should have excluded Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore from the 'Chinese' answer, seeing as the speakers there use Traditional characters rather than the Simplified versions of Mainland China. I was originally going to use Mandarin alone, but it wasn't easy to plot Mandarin on the map, and the written forms of Chinese languages are the same, bar for the Traditional/Simplified characters split.
Awesome quiz! Does the sample text mean "All humans deserve human rights?" If yes the translation should be प्रत्येक मानव के पास मानवाधिकारों का अधिकार है |
Thank you! The sample text is "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights" (from the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Looking back, I believe it should include the rest of the sentence, '... स्वतन्त्रता और समानता प्राप्त हैं।' I refrained from using Google Translate, bar for a couple of unfortunate languages. I found the translations at Omniglot, although I could not copy most of them due to the translation being an image, so I had to manually type some of the samples myself. I hope the Hindi doesn't sound too awkwardly formal when all's fixed. Full translations are visible post-game.
It is...well, was. They are both the same now, as I have copied the translation from the Wikipedia article for Hindi. I am not sure where the Omniglot translations come from, per se, but I get the feeling they come from reputable sources. The declaration itself is one of the most widespread translated items I've found, and I wouldn't be surprised is Google Translate themselves include it as a reference text (that's why I didn't feel so bad about the couple languages I translated via Google). Some of the smaller languages on Omniglot are taken from other sources, such as Ainu.
Yesterday, I opened this quiz on my PC and everything was fine. Today when I opened it again on laptop, the sample for Javanese is just showing as some black rectangular boxes to me. IDK why it shows the script on PC but not on Laptop.
I wish I could answer the definitive reason, but I'm no computer expert, sadly. Javanese Script is unusual and therefore many computers won't be able to render(?) It. With newer software, I imagine more scripts will be visible. Five years ago, the computer I used to edit couldn't display Burmese text either, but now only the most obscure text shows as boxes/diamonds/etc.
Yes, and a number of second language speakers (whose figures I cannot find, but I imagine they are low too). The Ainu live in Sakhalin, Russia and Sapporo, Japan, but the Soviet Union combined with cultural assimilation by Japan well into the 1990's has essentially destroyed the Ainu culture and language. According to Wikipedia, are large portion of Ainu people and mixed Ainu/Japanese don't even know that they are Ainu. People are trying their best to keep this language alive, but it is very hard to prevent a language death. Only the most passionate about their personal history are going to learn an entire language that a mere handful speak.
By the way, the sample in quiz and in stats for Hindi doesn't match.