
Guess the European Language Map Quiz

For each official language of Europe, as highlighted on the map, guess the sentence that is in the particular language.

For example, if China was highlighted, the correct answer should be 'Wǒ jīntiān qù shāngdiàn mǎi niúnǎi hé jīdàn.'

Non-Latin based scripts have been romanised (приве́т --> privet)
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Quiz by Jiaozira
Last updated: March 1, 2022
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First submittedApril 6, 2020
Times taken2,724
Average score37.1%
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Select sentence
Am mers astăzi la magazin să cumpăr lapte și ouă.
Avui he anat a la botiga a comprar llet i ous.
Chuaigh mé go dtí an siopa inniu chun bainne agus uibheacha a cheannach.
Danes sem šel v trgovino kupiti mleko in jajca.
Denes otidov vo prodavnicata da kupam mleko i jajca.
Diftoŋggat leat guokte vokála maŋŋálagaid mat jietnaduvvojit ovttas.
Dnes jsem šel do obchodu koupit mléko a vejce.
Dnes otidokh v magazina da si kupya mlyako i yaĭtsa.
Dnes som šiel do obchodu kúpiť mlieko a vajcia.
Ech sinn haut an de Buttek gaang fir Mëllech an Eeër ze kafen.
Ég fór í búðina í dag til að kaupa mjólk og egg.
Es šodien devos uz veikalu, lai nopirktu pienu un olas.
Hoje fui à loja comprar leite e ovos.
Hoy fui a la tienda a comprar leche y huevos.
I went to the store today to buy milk and eggs.
Ich bin heute in den Laden gegangen, um Milch und Eier zu kaufen.
Ik ging vandaag naar de winkel om melk en eieren te kopen.
Il clima da la Svizra sa lascha caracterisar sco temprà.
Illum mort fil-maħżen biex nixtri ħalib u bajd.
Ja pajšoŭ sionnia ŭ kramu, kab kupić malako i jajki.
Jag gick till butiken idag för att köpa mjölk och ägg.
Je suis allé au magasin aujourd'hui pour acheter du lait et des œufs.
Jeg dro til butikken i dag for å kjøpe melk og egg.
Jeg gik i butikken i dag for at købe mælk og æg.
Käisin täna poes piima ja mune ostmas.
Kävin tänään kaupassa ostamassa maitoa ja munia.
Ma elmentem a boltba tejet és tojást vásárolni.
Otišao sam danas u prodavnicu da kupim mleko i jaja.
Píga sto katástima símera gia na agoráso gála kai avgá.
Poszedłem dziś do sklepu, aby kupić mleko i jajka.
Shkova në dyqan sot për të blerë qumësht dhe vezë.
Šiandien nuėjau į parduotuvę nusipirkti pieno ir kiaušinių.
Sono andato al negozio oggi per comprare latte e uova.
Ya poshel v magazin segodnya, chtoby kupit' moloko i yaytsa.
Ya sʹohodni pishov u mahazyn, shchob kupyty moloko ta yaytsya.
This sentence is:
Level 71
Apr 6, 2020

I've kept the same basic phrase throughout, because it is simple, uses common vocabulary and a couple grammatical structures. There are two exceptions (think of a couple of the most obscure languages here), in which I was happy to get any sample from a Wikipedia article in that language.

I've only gone and accepted official languages based on this featured Jetpunk quiz as other credible sources are difficult to find.

Level 69
Jul 1, 2020
Nice quiz! just one mistake for me because I couldn't tell Bulgarian from Macedonian.
Level 71
Jul 1, 2020
That's honestly really impressive. I wouldn't feel bad about confusing Bulgarian and Macedonian, I've heard that they are sometimes considered to be the same language, although Jetpunk generally distinguishes them.
Level 83
Feb 23, 2021
Yeah I got lucky about Macedonian, it was a shot in the dark. Had no idea about byelorussian but it was the last one remaining. Got them all in 8 minutes :)
Level 71
Feb 23, 2021
That is impressive, I made the quiz and I still cannot get them all! Every time I try, the game goes well until I make a mistake with the Slavic languages and then the game falls apart. Good work :)
Level 83
Mar 19, 2021
Hope you enjoyed the spotlight :)
Level 71
Mar 19, 2021
Thank you Anna :D
Level 66
Mar 19, 2021
Great quiz idea, but why romanise? If you're gonna learn to differentiate languages by looking at them in the first place, you're probably gonna learn to identify the languages by looking at how they would actually be written. What's the point of learning to differentiate languages written in a nonstandard way that it usually doesn't get written in?
Level 71
Mar 19, 2021
I want people to look at the words and figure the language out through similarities, root words, etc. For example, if you look at the East Slavic languages they all look quite similar, and a keen observer can group them together, even without knowing much about said languages. Most Jetpunk users cannot read Cyrillic, so they lose out on that process if I put Russian, Macedonian or Ukrainian in Cyrillic. I have an Asian version of this quiz (albeit unreleased) where all scripts are Romanised too, because when you have too many non-Latin scripts it becomes a game about guessing writing systems and not languages.
Level 61
Apr 21, 2021
Great idea.
Level 71
Apr 21, 2021
Level 58
May 28, 2021
Is it possible to include both? And then maybe the transliteration in brackets?

Maybe I'm biased as a native slavic speaker and cyrilic user but i feel like that's what stumped me the most. The script as in individual letters characteristic for a language is usually the best giveaway

Level 71
Mar 19, 2021
Great quiz! What about the Romansh and Sami sentences? They have clearly different meaning from the other sentences. No milk and eggs, they look rather like something about weather in Switzerland and diphtongs pronunciation, respectively. :)
Level 71
Mar 19, 2021
Yes unfortunately I had to rely on random text from Wikipedia articles in said languages as my example, since machine translation is lacking. Thanks for playing!
Level 75
Mar 19, 2021
Couldn't distinguish between Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian, Bulgarian, Czech or Slovak. I've never been yet into Slavic languages, but at some point I will. What about a Basque sentence? Nomination thank to Spotlight!
Level 71
Mar 19, 2021
For now I've limited the quiz to official languages, but it would be fun to include Basque and some others in a future quiz. I struggle a lot with the West/South Slavic languages too.

Thanks for the nomination, and special thanks to whomever chose to spotlight this quiz! (I really appreciate it).

Level 75
Mar 19, 2021
Ok, now I've seen your comment where you explain the language selection. As a Spaniard, I found it weird that Catalan was featured but not the other regional languages (Basque or Galician), which have the exact "officiality" as Catalan here in Spain. I guess now it's dude to Catalan being official in Andorra... That curious at least!
Level 71
Mar 19, 2021
Yes! Andorra is to blame. I took the list of all the official languages at the national level, and then drew them to their maximum extent.
Level 51
Mar 19, 2021
Seeing Moldova and Romania merged reminds me of this
Level 71
Mar 19, 2021
Now that's an obscure part of Wikipedia!
Level 76
May 24, 2021
The Finnish sentence is wrong somehow. Lived there for a few years, so I can tell.
Level 71
May 26, 2021
It is almost certainly. Google Translate is horrific at just about any language not closely related to English and sadly I do not have a friend from each of these languages to provide more accurate translations :(
Level 76
Jun 13, 2021
Asked around. One simple change: ostamaan -> ostamassa.
Level 58
Feb 28, 2022
As a Finn I can confirm that it should be changed from ostamaan to ostamassa. Otherwise the sentence is correct.
Level 71
Mar 1, 2022
It is fixed now. In retrospect I'm surprised Google held up that well!
Level 66
Mar 31, 2022
Amazing quiz! I messed up bad on some Slavic languages but 29/35. Are you planning to make an India or Asia version?
Level 71
Mar 31, 2022
Thank you! I almost finished an Asian version but I left it unsubmitted. Part of the problem was the Arabic script is not transliterated on most of the languages that use it on Google Translate. This was two years ago, and I can now read the Arabic script so I should be able to finish it :)

An Indian version would be great too! It would have a more niche appeal but I believe it is a great idea.

Level 80
May 3, 2022
Great quiz! I was perfect for 33 out of 35 and was super proud of myself. But then I messed up Serbocroatian and Macedonian. Pain :(
Level 71
May 3, 2022
Thank you! I feel your pain, the first mistake is always the most painful after you've already finished the non-Slavic part of Europe :'(
Level 72
Feb 1, 2024
Is there any particular reason that Belarus was left the same? Other countries with multiple languages were split. Other than that, great quiz!
Level 71
Feb 1, 2024
Thank you! I tried to keep the language borders as simple and close to national borders as possible, Belarus has a more complex language distribution as the urban regions are more Russian and the rural areas more Belarusian.
Level 69
Mar 21, 2024
I don't speak Romansh so I might be wrong but that looks like an unrelated sentence about the climate in Switzerland
Level 71
Mar 21, 2024
You're right. Google Translate doesn't provide services in Romansh :( so I had to resort to Wikipedia.
Level 57
Mar 21, 2024
I was proud of getting 17 until I saw other people's scores... Great quiz though, one of the most interesting I've seen in a while. I think it would be cool to see which languages were which after your done with the quiz though