Good luck on this one. I chose Liberia because I heard it is notorious for its bad county flags. Come to think of it, this would have made a good April Fools quiz, but I guess I am just too late....
Save it for 11 months time. It'll be fun to see that date roll around again... The spillover of the map all over the screen is just wonderful! Maybe the start of a new map quiz style? PS, Any chance the flags here could be a bit bigger?
I've slightly increased the size of the flags in the display. I'd make them larger, but for some reason there are four flag columns, and this means the flags must be smaller in order to fit them on to the screen. If there were two flag columns like in most quizzes I could make them larger, but for now these will have to do.
It is very reminiscent of when I was in school and we were meant to redesign the flag of Canada (of course being kids with no idea what made a flag look good at all). Mine was atrocious, haha.
Somehow, my life seemed incomplete until I put this quiz into the world. I'm also a fan of Maryland's flag, although I can't tell if that's a lighthouse or a salt shaker.