There are many ways to divide the European continent, taking geography, culture and history into account. The CIA World Factbook divide the continent into seven regions, can you name the ten most populous cities in each of these regions?
I chose city proper because I prefer to split up the Ruhr Area and other behemoth creatons, although unfortunately that means Athens, Thessaloniki, Brussels, etc. are much smaller than they perhaps should be. I personally find some of these region borders to be questionable (such as putting Baltics in Eastern Europe, Southern France probably has more in common with Italy or Spain than Britain, Greece and Turkey are more similar than Greece and Italy + a few others), but unless countries are split up into smaller parts then there is no good way to divide the continent.
Thank you! I may make some of the other continents if I feel like it. I may also do another Europe quiz with more specific divisions (such as a distinct Balkans, grouping Romania and Moldova, essentially more customised regions to change some of the ways regions are grouped, while perhaps limited cities to 5 per region).