Trace the Coast of Europe by Guessing the Biggest Cities
Starting from the top right corner, trace the outline of the European continent by naming the biggest city by population, alongside each country's stretch of coastline.
Only mainland European territories are counted, therefore discluding island cities on continental countries
External territories and micronations are not included
I've excluded Gibraltar and Monaco, to make the quiz play better. I was slightly more generous with the definition of a coastal city (some of these are ever so slightly off the coast, yet still on water), although cities on rivers, which are far from the coast (ie. Hamburg) are not included.
Monaco is not the problem, but rather the remaining ~10 km of French coastline. Even if people were to guess Menton, France correctly there isn't a lot of room to place the city and have Monaco be visible (or vice versa).
Why not just make them pre-filled answers under the same "dot" for Monaco? Just excluding it without a caveat at the top of the quiz is highly confusing.
It's a good quiz. Because of the difficulty, it deserves more time. You seem to have missed off some sizeable cities - e.g. Bergen, Bordeaux (maybe estuaries don't count?), Bilbao, Porto, Cadiz, Malaga, Valencia, Nice, Genova, Venezia and Thessaloniki, for example.
You have to guess the largest city only among each country's coastline. Bordeaux is larger than Le Havre, but it is too far inland on the Loire? River. I don't mind increasing the time, the quiz is a fair bit difficult.
I think you should specify in the notes that you have to guess the largest city for each country's bit of coastline (it becomes obvious after a bit especially if you have taken the other quiz)
I'll try and explain it better in the description, it is a lot of information to put it all in the title. I always want to reduce confusion for people playing my quizzes.
You are very welcome! It is unfortunate that they aren't coastal, for difficulty's sake. I only realised Murmansk was inland when I was just about to place it on the map.
Super quiz! Including Gibraltar and Monaco would habe been Lisbon / Algeciras / Gibraltar / Barcelona / Marseille / Monaco / Menton. Don't think Algeciras and Menton would habe been easy to find :D
Apologies for any confusion! I remember learning about how the Comune of Rome technically borders the sea. However the built up area of Rome is inland and that is why I didn't include it--Fiumicino is seperated from the rest of Rome by rural areas.
I believe that is the most confusing answer of the quiz, although feel free to ask about my decisions with the other cities too :)
When I made the quiz I decided which cities were eligible based on whether or not the primary urban part touched seawater, so surburbs didn't count if they were seperated from the main urban core by rural area and greenery. Rome is challenging, however, but the gap between Municipio Roma X and Ostia or Fiumicino makes me think Rome is not coastal.
A small detail... technically, Lisbon is not on the coast eheh :) The coast starts somewhere around Oeiras which belongs to the Metro area of Lisbon, but not to the city proper which you mention. Great quiz!
That is true, although I used urban areas to determine which cities were coastal (otherwise Rome would be on here with its overextending city limits). Using this definition helps fend of the flaming pitchfork wielders :)
When I made the original quiz, my one goal in mind was to finish it and move on to this quiz :)
Bordeaux is located inland on a river (Garonne) which links up with another river 20 km downstream to become a very wide river often mistaken for an inlet.
Definitely deserves a feature
Because if it's a city with proper territory touching the sea, as I would expect then Rome is on the coast, and it's bigger than Naples.
It doesn't matter that the majority of the city lies ~30 km from the sea, it still contains a seaside neighbourhood, not even that small.
I found the quiz confusing in general, although the idea is good.
I believe that is the most confusing answer of the quiz, although feel free to ask about my decisions with the other cities too :)
Thanks for playing!
Bordeaux is located inland on a river (Garonne) which links up with another river 20 km downstream to become a very wide river often mistaken for an inlet.