Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Goes Crazy and Beats Annalise to a pulp | Alfred | 79%
Crazy Clinic Lady | Iosefka | 70%
"A hoonter must hoont" | Eileen the Crow | 68%
Wheelchair guy who later attempts to slice you up | Gehrman | 66%
The League Dude | Valtr | 59%
Angry dude in Old Yharnam | Djura | 58%
Kills everyone in Chapel | Suspicious Beggar | 52%
Crazy Nun | Adella | 48%
Katana man in Grand Cathedral that spams Old Hunters Bones and Stabbed Eileen | Bloody Crow | 45%
Psycho at central yharnam lamp window | Gilbert | 45%
Spider dude in Lecture Building | Patches the Spider | 45%
Prostitute | Arriana | 37%
Guy Who gives you blood transplant | Blood Minister | 35%
BowBlade Dude | Simon The Harrowed | 28%
Cainhurst | Annalise,Queen of The Vilebloods | 24%
Old dude in rocking throne in Byrgenwerth | Provost Willem | 18%
Accuses you of lying | Skeptical man | 18%
Angry old lady | Lonely old woman | 17%
Blind creepy guy | Oedon Chapel Dweller | 10%
"Good Hunter, your presence somehow soothes" | Hunters Dream Doll | 6%
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