Suggested Quizzes

Countries of the World Quiz0-5.0038,959,422
Country Shape Quiz #10-4.88810,331
Country Shape Quiz #20-4.93368,305
Country Shape Quiz #30-4.89260,880
Country Shape Quiz #40-4.91192,037
Biggest Countries by Population0-4.991,272,895
Biggest Countries by Area0-4.99901,453
Countries with the Highest Life Expectancy0-4.87191,269
Countries with the Highest Maximum Elevation0-4.95159,356
Spanish-Speaking Countries0-4.87332,178
Island Countries Quiz0-4.99624,219
Northernmost Countries0-4.98320,343
Southernmost Countries of the World0-4.99192,086
Majority Muslim Countries0-4.97306,449
Countries with the Most Borders0-4.97341,728
Countries with the Longest Coastlines0-4.82383,277
Countries That Border Russia0-4.98415,112
Regions of Countries #10-4.96146,788
Countries and Languages Quiz0-4.85230,880
Countries with the Most Billionaires0-4.94273,338
Islands by Country #10-4.85160,214
Landlocked Countries Quiz0-4.99308,105
Monarchies of the World0-4.92149,871
Mediterranean Countries Quiz0-4.99181,358
Countries by Borders #10-4.99173,429
Commonwealth of Nations Countries0-4.94217,511
Smallest Countries by Population and Area0-4.99328,098
Countries with the Most Tourists Quiz0-4.93342,107
One Border Countries0-4.97397,464
Countries by Official Language0-4.95150,736
NATO Countries Quiz0-4.98217,739
EU Countries Quiz0-4.99221,255
Countries of Europe Quiz0-5.002,965,775
Countries of Asia Quiz0-5.001,476,778
Countries that Start with A0-4.961,868,449
Countries that Start with B0-4.932,007,663
Countries that Start with C0-4.931,585,668
Countries that Start with D0-4.95559,862
Countries that Start with E0-4.921,183,285
Countries that Start with G0-4.951,300,344
Countries that Start with H0-4.91477,348
Countries that Start with I0-4.911,118,011
Countries that Start with J0-4.97481,376
Countries that Start with K0-4.94678,497
Countries that Start with L0-4.97933,134
Countries that Start with N0-4.89958,959
Countries that Start with P0-4.881,059,764
Countries that Start with R0-4.39368,044
Countries that Start with S0-4.971,548,672
Countries that Start with T0-4.82875,594
Countries that Start with U0-4.97789,989
Countries that Start with V0-4.97513,294
Countries that Start with F0-4.68512,476
Countries that Start with M0-4.941,209,040
Countries that Border Poland0-4.99154,653
Countries that Border China0-4.96227,618
Countries that Produce the Most Wine 0-4.86175,516
Countries in World War I0-4.91203,402
Countries with Four Letters0-4.99370,694
Countries of Africa0-5.002,051,953
Countries of South America0-5.00750,805
Countries of North America Quiz0-5.00833,987
Countries of Oceania0-5.00841,729
"Stan" Countries Quiz0-4.96184,343
Countries with Double Letters0-4.9044,799
Countries with the Most Military Troops0-4.93219,473
Countries Bordering France0-4.83348,290
Countries with Nuclear Weapons0-4.88212,775
Countries Bordering Germany0-4.99332,723
Most Populous Countries A-Z0-4.98282,482
Countries of the Soviet Union0-4.99180,247
Countries in their Native Language0-4.97173,491
Countries that End in N0-4.93128,087
Countries by Clue #10-4.86212,446
Countries with Five Letters Quiz0-4.95223,049
Countries with Six Letters Quiz0-4.92169,552
Countries Bordering India0-4.98153,234
Independence from Whom0-4.99178,119
Countries with W0-4.97119,042
Countries with Z0-4.98237,722
Countries by Clue #20-4.90142,533
"Land" Countries0-4.98282,986
European Countries by Clue0-4.94166,663
Countries with Letters Missing0-4.98151,658
Countries That End in U0-4.93105,523
Richest Countries by Per-Capita GDP0-4.96232,874
Most Populous Countries in 20500-4.90200,114
Countries with the Longest Total Borders0-4.98277,632
Most Populous Countries in 19000-4.89158,557
Countries Ending with "An", but not "Stan"0-4.9764,686
Northernmost Countries A-Z0-4.99167,042
Least Populous Countries A-Z0-4.99159,570
Countries with J0-4.35143,571
Most Guessed Countries on JetPunk0-4.97148,377
Axis Occupied Countries of WWII0-4.99200,686
Countries With One Word and Three A's0-4.8828,569
One-Syllable Countries Quiz0-4.37110,880
Top 20 Longest One-Word Country Names0-4.9785,342
Biggest Countries by Area A-Z0-4.96171,601
Countries that End in O0-4.89144,660
Countries that End in R0-4.8595,272
Countries With the Most Languages0-4.89166,604
Country Names Created by Only 4 Letters0-4.99145,537
Countries Closest to Australia0-4.99141,763
Countries Closest to Canada0-4.88179,622
Countries by First and Last Letter #10-4.98152,094
Countries Closest to Italy0-4.97173,115
Countries Closest to Spain0-4.96188,047
Countries Ending in "IA"0-4.99165,839
Countries Closest to Africa0-4.95141,388
Top Five Countries By Category #10-4.99374,568
Top Five Countries By Category #20-4.92152,064
Countries by First and Last Letter #20-4.95126,140
Countries by Last Two Letters0-4.89113,450
Five Closest Countries by Country #10-5.00209,477
Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds0-4.944,862,704
Countries That End in Y0-4.89159,343
Countries Whose Names Start with Saint0-4.85107,106
Five Closest Countries by Country #20-5.00175,437
Countries that End in I0-4.89113,173
Countries Based on First Two Letters #10-4.98156,413
Countries Based on First Two Letters #20-4.98145,343
Countries with Cardinal Directions in Their Names0-4.89117,470
Five Biggest Countries by Continent0-4.99201,690
Five Most Populated Countries by Continent0-4.99239,427
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.92171,887
First Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent0-4.93188,374
Five Most Guessed Countries by Continent0-4.95148,599
Countries by Initial Letter and Length #10-4.9786,069
Countries That End in NIA0-4.9098,773
Countries That End in BIA0-4.91123,296
Countries That End in RIA0-4.8398,594
Largest Countries by Area or Population0-5.00154,804
Five Poorest Countries by Continent0-4.94154,160
Countries by Initial Letter and Continent #10-4.91148,244
Country Chain0-4.91172,182
Countries by Initial Letter and Continent #20-4.7671,102
Olympic Host Countries0-4.98156,529
Countries Bordering "U" Countries0-4.7918,385
World Map without 12 Countries0-4.96295,180
World Map without 12 Countries #20-4.98146,752
Top 15 Most Populous Countries Ending in "IA"0-4.6290,762
Most Common Words in Official Country Names0-4.8497,698
Every Country Shape0-5.00363,222
European Countries with One Border0-4.95146,244
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.993,246,554
Five Biggest Economies by Continent0-4.98156,632
Asian Countries Ending in "IA"0-4.9490,633
Top 50 Countries by Population - In Order0-4.97238,948
Countries with Megacities0-4.99189,497
Every European Country Shape0-4.94166,314
Top 10 Biggest African Countries by Area 0-4.99192,553
Divided Country Name Puzzle #10-4.99192,851
Top 10 Most Populous European Countries0-4.97198,675
10 Biggest European Countries by Area0-4.99156,586
Top 10 Most Populous Asian Countries0-4.97155,645
Top 10 Most Populous African Countries0-4.98152,516
Countries Containing Two or More Words0-4.9637,275
All Countries of the World by Area with Hints0-4.96184,056
Countries of the World with an Empty Map0-5.002,949,910
Countries of the Middle East0-4.95166,553
Countries by Borders in 90 Seconds with an Empty Map0-4.88248,229
Top 10 Biggest Economies in Europe0-4.96172,076
One Country By Letter By Continent0-5.0063,917
Divided Country Name Puzzle #20-4.99115,783
Largest Countries with No Borders0-4.97176,646
Countries of Europe After World War II0-4.98163,928
Top 10 Coldest European Countries0-4.95176,507
Bordering Countries Beginning With the Same Letter0-4.99113,640
Longest Country Name A-Z0-4.2935,402
Shortest Country Name A-Z0-4.99207,117
Countries With More than 50 Million People0-4.99164,325
Countries by Capitals and Borders in 90 Seconds0-4.88201,033
"Stan" Countries - Map Quiz0-4.97104,799
Ten Highest Ranking FIFA Countries by Year0-4.94219,855
Groups of Countries that Start with the Same 3 Letters0-4.9973,391
Top 10 Languages Spoken in Europe0-4.95178,469
Divided Country Name Puzzle #30-4.93106,276
Countries that End in L0-4.94130,948
Countries of Asia with Two or More Words0-4.92105,437
Most-Visited Countries by U.S. Presidents0-4.97172,291
Flags of the Countries that Start with A0-4.95103,222
Countries that are Free from U.S.A.0-4.6941,252
The Only European Country ...0-4.93148,945
African Countries with the Shortest Names0-4.97115,088
Most Similar Country Names0-4.1142,750
Flags of the Countries that Start with C0-4.91114,370
Flags of the Countries that Start with I0-4.95134,375
Flags of Countries With More Than 100 Million People0-4.97141,379
Countries that Start with C - Shape Quiz0-4.7972,769
Countries that Start with I - Shape Quiz0-4.8498,487
Add A Letter - Make a Country0-4.5166,391
Countries that Start with N - Shape Quiz0-4.9371,495
Countries that Start with P - Shape Quiz0-4.8071,423
Countries by Emojis0-4.99196,138
Countries in Random Squares of the World Map0-4.99284,620
"Do Not Travel" Countries for U.S. Citizens0-4.96174,929
Random Flag to Country0-4.99480,257
Random European Flag to Country0-4.87153,319
Countries with a Unique Last Letter0-4.9289,032