Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Blizzard | Snowstorm | 96%
Storm with lightning and its acoustic effect on the earth’s atmosphere | Thunderstorm | 92%
Group creativity technique in which members spontaneously contribute ideas | Brainstorm | 87%
Center of a cyclone, or center of a public disagreement | Eye of the Storm | 82%
Happens when a strong wind blows in arid regions | Dust Storm | 80%
Person who pursues severe weather conditions | Storm Chaser | 78%
Operation to retake Kuwait from Iraq | Desert Storm | 76%
Quiet or peaceful time before a period of great activity | Calm Before the Storm | 75%
Soldier of the WWI German Army, or perhaps the Galactic Empire | Stormtrooper | 73%
Intense and destructive blaze that strong currents of air are drawn into | Firestorm | 62%
Calamitous situation arising from the combined effect of unique circumstances | Perfect Storm | 40%
Song by the Doors | Riders on the Storm | 38%
Trouble or emotional upset in the near future...or perhaps coffee? | Storm a-Brewin' | 27%
To make a vivid impression on, quickly win popular acclaim or renown | Take by Storm | 24%
Often-parodied opening phrase, first written in the 1830 novel Paul Clifford | It Was a Dark and Stormy Night | 23%
To do something with a lot of energy, and often skill | {Cook} up a Storm | 20%
Coastal flood commonly associated with low pressure weather systems | Storm Surge | 17%
English artist who designed Pink Floyd and Zeppelin covers | Storm {Thorgerson} | 4%
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