
Bands by Name Origin (M-S)

Guess the band based on the clue about the origin of their name. Answers are in alphabetical order.
Quiz by interopia
Last updated: September 18, 2020
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First submittedMarch 3, 2017
Times taken201
Average score40.0%
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Name Origin
"M" Artist
Combined the names of a sex symbol and a cult leader
Marilyn Manson
Named after the main character from Back to the Future
Inspired by the Duke Ellington song "Mood Indigo"
The Moody Blues
Name Origin
"N" Artist
The frontman chose the name, defining it to his bandmates as the 'attainment of perfection'.
4 capital letters reflecting a rejection of gimmickry (common in early 80s music)
Name Origin
"P" Artist
Selected randomly from a dictionary, defined as "mischievous little elves"
Chosen because the producer and vocalist sent demos back and forth through the mail
The Postal Service
Name Origin
"Q" Artist
A regal name meant to be "heavy enough for the boys and sweet enough for the girls"
Queens of the Stone Age
Name Origin
"R" Artist
Named themselves after a Talking Heads song from the album True Stories
From a Muddy Waters song
The Rolling Stones
They hastily came up with this name when they were in a hurry to quickly think of one
Name Origin
"S" Artist
Named in honor of a Veruca Salt song
Named after the vocalist's little sister, and translates to "victory rose"
Sigur Ros
Refers to the rapper's skin (He was one of the only white people in his neighborhood in Canada)
The band started 41 days into the summer.
Sum 41
Level 85
Sep 18, 2020
Also try Bands by Name Origin A-C, D-F, G-L, and T-Z.