I can't say I knew all of these before I made the quiz. That's why I made the quiz. To learn them.
Many of these capes represent an extreme point for their continent.
The dot for Russia should be all the way at the tip of the peninsula.
However, it is the westernmost point in mainland Africa, so it IS the closest mainland to Cape Verde! Cape Verde (Senegal) is also called 'Cap-Vert' and is the location of the capital Dakar.
Um, I was looking on my map for this (May or may not have been cheating) and the one on Somalia is spelt with a “y” at the end instead of an “I”, so could you add Cape “Gwardafuy” as a type-in?
Very interesting quiz, I never knew the name of the actual cape on the Horn of Africa. Just a couple of quibbles to improve your quiz:
The dot for Cape Agulhas (the southernmost point of Africa) appears to be North of the Cape of Good Hope.
Also, I assume you’re not that familiar with UK geography, because Cape Cornwall is a virtual nonentity and not even an extreme point of England. Land’s End is the Westernmost (and far more famous) Cornish headland. Strictly speaking the Westernmost point of the island of Great Britain is somewhere in Scotland.
The dot for Cape Agulhas (the southernmost point of Africa) appears to be North of the Cape of Good Hope.
Also, I assume you’re not that familiar with UK geography, because Cape Cornwall is a virtual nonentity and not even an extreme point of England. Land’s End is the Westernmost (and far more famous) Cornish headland. Strictly speaking the Westernmost point of the island of Great Britain is somewhere in Scotland.