
The Games Kids Play

Based on the clue about the gameplay, can you name these popular games that children have been known to play?
Quiz by interopia
Last updated: May 9, 2020
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First submittedFebruary 23, 2018
Times taken263
Average score63.6%
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How to play
Hide from a baby and then suddenly reappear
You are "it" until you touch someone else
The same game but you wear a blindfold
Blind Man's Bluff
"Ready or not, here I come!"
Hide and Seek
If we call your name, you run and try to break through our line
Red Rover
Immediately throw the object if someone throws it to you
Hot Potato
Do as I do only if the eponymous character says to!
Simon Says
Use your teeth to pick up this fruit floating in unhygienic water
Bobbing for Apples
We hit each other's hands until one of us gives up
Bloody Knuckles
Pull the rope as hard as you can
Tug of War
One type of bird, do nothing...the other type, chase me around!
Duck, Duck, Goose
How to play
Guess the object in the room based on my clues
I Spy
Hit the ball around the pole until it wraps all the way around
Throw this object and don't let the person in the center catch it
Keep Away
Jump over the other players
When the song stops, try to grab one of the remaining seats!
Musical Chairs
A "blind person" must find others in a swimming pool
Marco Polo
Jump through the spaces to retrieve the thrown object
Quietly relay the message to the next person
Chinese Whispers
You have to answer a question or perform an outrageous task
Truth or Dare
If your thumb is touched, you have to guess who did it
Seven Up
If the ball bounces in your quadrant, hit it into a different one
Four Square
Level 10
Feb 23, 2018
throw this object around and don't let the person catch it. MONKEY IN THE MIDDLE!!!! no?!!!! OH, KEEP AWAY. either than that, pretty good quiz. must've taken a long time to make
Level 85
Feb 24, 2018
Monkey in the Middle should have worked
Level 57
Feb 23, 2018
we called keep away--monkey in the middle
Level 85
Feb 23, 2018
I've added that now. These games tend to have many alternative names, so I have also added a lot of type-ins.
Level 67
Aug 26, 2024
This quiz is virtually impossible to write because all of these games have so many variant names.

For me: Tig/It, Apple Bobbing, Slaps, Swingball, Piggy in the Middle, Heads Down Thumbs Up.