Hint | Answer | % Correct |
He was born and spent most of his life in this state | Mississippi | 97%
He won this award in 1949 | Nobel Prize in Literature | 90%
1929 novel | The Sound and the Fury | 81%
He won this award in 1955 and 1963 | Pulitzer Prize for Fiction | 77%
1936 novel | Absalom, Absalom! | 74%
1930 novel | As I Lay Dying | 74%
1932 novel | Light in August | 68%
Contributed to this Howard Hawks film adapted from a Raymond Chandler novel | The Big Sleep | 68%
He wrote his first novel Soldiers' Pay while living in this city | New Orleans | 58%
Sartoris was his first of many novels to be set in this fictional county | {Yoknapatawpha} County | 52%
Year he was born | 1897 | 48%
The 1954 work he won a Pulitzer for | A Fable | 45%
The 1962 work he won a Pulitzer for | The Reivers | 45%
Contributed to this Howard Hawks film adapted from a Hemingway novel | To Have and Have Not | 42%
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