Main Characters | % Correct |
Link | 99%
Zelda | 98%
Groose | 87%
Demise | 86%
Impa | 83%
Ghirahim | 81%
Ghirahim (first battle) | 81%
Ghirahim (second battle) | 81%
Ghirahim (third battle) | 81%
Fi | 78%
Lanayru | 71%
Faron | 69%
Hylia (the Goddess) | 69%
Eldin | 67%
Bow | 60%
Skyview Temple | 58%
Beetle | 55%
Heart | 55%
Slingshot | 51%
Ancient Cistern | 49%
Bomb | 47%
Earth Temple | 47%
Master Sword | 46%
The Imprisoned (first battle) | 45%
The Imprisoned (second battle) | 45%
The Imprisoned (third batle) | 45%
Lanayru Mining Facility | 44%
Whip | 44%
Sandship | 43%
Sky Keep | 43%
Fire Sanctuary | 41%
Gaepora | 40%
Bomb Bag | 39%
Heart Medal | 39%
Kikwi | 39%
Gust Bellows | 38%
Wooden Shield | 38%
Big Wallet | 37%
Beedle | 35%
Clawshots | 35%
Goddess Sword | 35%
Hylian Shield | 35%
Koloktos | 35%
Small Wallet | 35%
Bug Net | 33%
Pipit | 33%
Quiver | 32%
Goddess Cube | 31%
Iron Shield | 31%
Scaldera | 31%
Tentalus | 31%
Treasure | 30%
Rupee Medal | 29%
Bottle | 28%
Cawlin | 27%
Gratitude Crystal | 27%
Bug Medal | 26%
Small Key | 25%
Cursed Medal | 24%
Fledge | 24%
Goddess Shield | 24%
Owlan | 24%
Stalfos / Three Stalfos | 23%
Machi | 22%
Moldarach | 22%
Amber Relic | 21%
Levias | 21%
Sacred Shield | 21%
Treasure Medal | 21%
Batreaux | 20%
Hook Beetle | 20%
Peatrice | 20%
Rupees | 20%
Strich | 20%
True Master Sword | 20%
Giant Wallet | 19%
Medium Wallet | 19%
Scrapper | 19%
Goddess Plume | 18%
Gorko | 18%
Life Medal | 18%
Lizalfos | 18%
Bird Feather | 17%
Blue Bird Feather | 17%
Dusk Relic | 17%
Goddess Longsword | 17%
Horwell | 17%
Karane | 17%
Scattershot | 17%
Seed Satchel | 17%
Tycoon Wallet | 17%
Evil Crystal | 16%
Mogma Mitts | 16%
Goddess White Sword | 15%
Bucha | 14%
Digging Mitts | 14%
Divine Shield | 14%
Kukiel | 14%
Scervo | 14%
Big Bug Net | 13%
Eldin Ore | 13%
Extra Wallet | 13%
Fireshield Earrings | 13%
Goddess's Harp | 13%
Iron Bow | 13%
Ledd | 13%
Oolo | 13%
Practice Sword | 13%
Quick Beetle | 13%
Rattle | 13%
Reinforced Shield | 13%
Sacred Bow | 13%
Tumbleweed | 13%
Water Dragon's Scale | 13%
Eldin Roller | 12%
Monster Claw | 12%
Monster Horn | 12%
Bilocyte | 11%
Braced Shield | 11%
Golden Skull | 11%
Lopsa | 11%
Potion Medal | 11%
Orielle | 10%
Pirate Stronghold | 10%
Sky Stag Beetle | 10%
Ancient Flower | 9%
Banded Shield | 9%
Blessed Butterfly | 9%
Erla | 9%
Gondo | 9%
Horde Battle | 9%
Jelly Blob | 9%
Kina | 9%
Lanayru Ant | 9%
Luv | 9%
Ornamental Skull | 9%
Peater | 9%
Skipper | 9%
Tough Beetle | 9%
Bertie | 8%
Cobal | 8%
Eagus | 8%
Faron Grasshopper | 8%
Golo | 8%
Parrow | 8%
Piper | 8%
Pumm | 8%
Sparrot | 8%
Stalmaster | 8%
Wryna | 8%
Adventure Pouch | 7%
Fortified Shield | 7%
Guld | 7%
Rupin | 7%
Sailcloth | 7%
Skyloft Mantis | 7%
Triforce | 7%
Croo | 6%
Crystal Ball | 6%
Deku Hornet | 6%
Dodoh | 6%
Dreadfuse | 6%
Gerudo Dragonfly | 6%
Golden Carving | 6%
Gortram | 6%
Gully | 6%
Mallara | 6%
Plats | 6%
Sand Cicada | 6%
Silva | 6%
Squid Carving | 6%
Tadtones | 6%
Tubert | 6%
Tyto | 6%
Volcanic Ladybug | 6%
Yerbal | 6%
Zanc | 6%
Dovos | 5%
Goselle | 5%
Henya | 5%
Hornet Larvae | 5%
Jakamar | 5%
Keet | 5%
Lizard Tail | 5%
Party Wheel | 5%
Rusta | 5%
(the uknown lady of the toilet) | 5%
Ancient Circuit | 4%
Earth Temple Key | 4%
Greba | 4%
Jellyf | 4%
Kortz | 4%
Magmanos | 4%
Woodland Rhino Beetle | 4%
Bronzie | 3%
Cawlin's Letter | 3%
Dark Lizalfos | 3%
Dragon Sculpture | 3%
Merco | 3%
Moldorm | 3%
Mysterious Crystals | 3%
Nackel | 3%
Propeller | 3%
Starry Firefly | 3%
Waterfall Cave | 3%
Ancient Tablet | 2%
Bird Statuette | 2%
Blessed Idol | 2%
Dungeon Map | 2%
Horned Colossus Beetle | 2%
Moonlight Merchant | 2%
Skipper's Ship | 2%
Song of the Hero | 2%
Stone of Trials | 2%
Trial Gate | 2%
Life Tree Fruit | 1%
Life Tree Seeding | 1%
Metal Shield Moblin | 1%
New Plant Species | 1%
Parellas | 1%
Power Generator | 1%
Pumpkin Patch Flower | 1%
Water Basin | 1%
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