With the letters J, E, T, P, U, N, K, try to make as many valid Scrabble words as you can. Scoring will be based on the tile values for the letter in the word.
Would be helpful for the instructions to indicate that you can't double up on letters -- it's as if you have those seven tiles in a Scrabble game. I tried and tried and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't take pep, jeep, jejune, etc.
Maybe you’ve never played Scrabble, but that’s just how it works. If you have a letter tile, you cannot use that letter in multiple spots in the word. I’m this case, you are considering the letters j, e, t, p, u, n, and k as your letter tiles and thus each can be used only once.
That's because the quiz accepts "nuk" for "neuk", so you'll automatically get that while typing "nuke" (and may not realise that you need to type "nuke" again).
Note to quizmaster: the recently featured “blurry landmarks” quiz is unplayable (and uncommentable) on my iPhone; it just keeps reloading the page or reporting that an error repeatedly occurred.
Tell me you didn't read the title without telling me you didn't read the title.
Now when will we have:
- Scrabble Words From Scrabble
- Scrabble Words From Quizmaster
- Scrabble Words From ...
There you go!
Answers: 0