Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Weapon with a handle and blade, used a lot in medieval times. | Sword | 100%
Shorter version of above used in cooking and sometimes referred to as "dagger" | Knife | 95%
Sword developed in Japan that had a blade running through the whole sword, including the handle. | Katana | 86%
Used in naval warfare, basically a water rocket used to sink naval vessels. | Torpedo | 86%
Throwable explosive that can have special features, such as fragmentation or blinding light. | Grenade | 84%
Special kind of gun that works by shooting gas into a small flame to create a much larger flame. | Flamethrower | 81%
Small handheld weapon that launches rocks and other small projectiles. Used by David in the fight against Goliath. | Slingshot | 79%
Weapon used from the 13th century to the 18th century, used for eliminating multiple enemies at a time or sinking vessels. | Cannon | 70%
Weapon that acts as a rocket but guides to its target. It's the M in SAM, AAM, AGM, etc. | Missile | 70%
Long-range rifle that uses a scope and sometimes a bipod. | Sniper rifle | 65%
Fictional "gun" used in movies like Star Wars that fires lasers. | Blaster | 60%
Finger accessory that, as the name implies, goes onto the knuckles. | Brass knuckles | 60%
Sword made by pirates that has a swept blade and a hand guard. | Cutlass | 44%
Special kind of knife that can be spun and twirled around strategically. | Butterfly knife | 37%
Weapon made of a stick with a string attached to both ends and launches projectiles. | Bow & arrow | 35%
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