Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Biggest ship of her time, met with an iceberg on her maiden voyage | Titanic | 97%
Took the Pilgrim Fathers to the USA | Mayflower | 85%
Vessel in the Genesis flood narrative | Noah's Ark | 78%
Columbus sailed her when he 'discovered' America | Santa Maria | 77%
German WW II battleship, named after their 19th century Chancellor | Bismarck | 67%
Captain Jack Sparrow's boat, I mean ship | The Black Pearl | 66%
Ship under the (not so succesful) command of William Bligh | HMS Bounty | 56%
Ghost ship that is doomed to sail the oceans forever | The Flying Dutchman | 48%
The raft used by Thor Heyerdahl to sail across the Pacific | Kon-tiki | 40%
Battleship on which Japan formally surrendered on September 2, 1945 | USS Missouri | 38%
Drake's ship that circumnavigated the globe | The Golden Hind | 37%
Jacques Cousteau's mobile labatory and field research boat | Calypso | 32%
Commanded by James Cook on his voyages to Australia and New Zealand | HMS Endeavour | 28%
Russian warship famous for firing the first shots of the Russian Revolution in 1905 | Battleship Potemkin | 25%
Captain Ahab's Nantucket whaleship | Pequod | 14%
First winner of America's Cup | America | 11%
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