Mot | Traduction | % Correct |
Pied | foot | 100%
Le coeur | heart | 100%
Un doigt | a finger | 96%
Une main | a hand | 96%
Un bras | an arm | 96%
Sang | blood | 96%
Visage | face | 96%
Le dos | back | 93%
Tête | Head | 93%
Genou | knee | 93%
Bouche | mouth | 93%
Pieds | feet | 89%
Yeux | eyes | 86%
Jambe | leg | 86%
Cou | Neck | 86%
Une épaule | a shoulder | 82%
Os | bone | 82%
Muscle | muscle | 82%
Nerf | nerve | 79%
Veine | vein | 79%
Un poumon | a lung | 75%
Oreilles | ears | 75%
Le ventre | belly | 68%
La grippe | the flu | 68%
Cheville | ankle | 64%
Hanche | hip | 64%
IRM | MRI | 61%
Orteils | toes | 61%
Rein | kidney | 57%
Gorge | throat | 57%
Un coude | an elbow | 54%
Un vaisseau sanguin | blood vessel | 54%
Front | forehead | 50%
Un rhume | a cold | 46%
Un poignet | a wrist | 46%
Ordonnance | prescription | 46%
Artère | artery | 43%
Gouttes | drops | 43%
La cuisse | thigh | 43%
Médicament | medecine | 39%
Une plaie | a wound | 36%
Anti-douleurs | painkillers | 36%
Ligament | ligament | 32%
La chair | the flesh | 32%
Pansement | dressing | 25%
Radio | x ray | 25%
Articulation | joint | 21%
Pommade | ointment | 18%
Clavicule | collarbone | 14%
Moelle épinière | spinal cord | 14%
Point de suture | stitch | 14%
Cachets / comprimés | tablets | 11%
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