Po raz pierwszy przesłany | 4 sierpnia, 2023 |
Razy rozwiązany | 8 |
Średni wynik | 16,7% | Zgłoś quiz | Zgłoś |
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Rodzaj Budynku |
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Ciało Wody |
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Prawa autorskie należą do H Brothers Inc., 2008–2024
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Yurt is "Jurta" in Polish. And tents are not considered "budynek", so it's more accurate to say "Rodzaj Namiotu".
"Ciało Wody" sounds like it was like literally a body of water (e.g. water humanoid), use "Akwen Wodny".
Caspian Sea isn't translated. In Polish it's called "Morze Kaspijskie".
Xinjiang also has its Polish spelling/name - Sinciang/Turkiestan Wschodni, but Xinjiang can remain a type-in.
Almaty is not called this way in Polish. It's actually Ałmaty. L and Ł are different letters and make differend sounds (L and W respectively).