Problem | Solution | % Correct |
Antonio and James split a bag of 16 chocolate bars. If they split it evenly, how much did each of them get? | 8 | 100%
Ron has 44 marbles. He sells 30 and buys 5. How many does he have now? | 19 | 95%
Yuri, Amira, and Carlos have 33 puppies. They each want 2. How many will be left over? | 27 | 95%
Kate and their friends bought a jug of milk to put oranges in. They fit 126 oranges in the jug. Then the jug broke and 24 oranges fell out. How many oranges remain in the jug? | 102 | 94%
A customer named Smithers wants a third of the remaining puppies. How many puppies does Smithers want? | 9 | 94%
Kira went to the store and bought 5 apples for $2.50. How much did she spend on each apple? (Answer in dollars.) | $0.50 | 80%
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