
Stormlight Archhive - Bridge Four

SPOILER WARNING If you have not read Stormlight books 1-4 or Dawnshard, you may want to stay clear of this quiz. All members of bridge four that have ever existed, including pivotal characters, people who have died on the plateaus, to people who have joined along the way. Note that many of the bridgemen are barely mentioned at all in the books, or may have died and didn't get enough screen time.
Quiz by Thet76
Last updated: August 5, 2023
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First submittedAugust 5, 2023
Times taken82
Average score27.0%
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The Tall Alethi man is the captain of bridge four and was promoted to Highmarshal of the Windrunners. He is the first and only member of Bridge four to reach the 4th ideal. (If you don't get this have you really read the books?)
The Horneater cook is responsible for Bridge Four's iconic stew, as well as Amaram's death. He has since left for the peaks in order to face judgement.
Known as "vyre" or "Traitor" Ran several assassination attempts against Elhokar, before stabbing him in the siege of Kholinar. He was gifted a set of shards after Kaladin refused his from Adolin.
The older man was Kaladin's first follower, the first to recognize Kaladin's surgebinding, and swore his third ideal after a crippling firemoss addiction. He was killed by Vyre's honorblade.
When all of the bridgemen started Surgebinding, It took him by far the longest to start being able to use it. He was one of the bridgemen to help pull up Adolin in the battle of Narak and help in the mission on Kholinar.
The Azish man is a known worldsinger and has been one of Hoid's apprentices. He comes from a background of good schooling and is one of the only men who can read and write. He is a windrunner of the third ideal and is one of the most loyal to Kaladin.
The mute man is one of the only ones who cannot draw stormlight or become a surgebinder. He helps stir their stews, is known as the "Mascot?" of bridge four.
The Lanky, Muscled, and gay member who helped Adolin on the battle of Narak and aided in the siego of Kholinar. He was one of the bridgemen who helped to evacuate Gavinor after the Oathgate malfunctioned.
The bridgeman who was hit in the leg by an arrow during a bridgerun and had to stay back for awhile. He had his legs shard-amputated by the assassin in white during his attack on the king's palance, until he gained surgebinding abilities and rehealed his wound.
Almost died due to arrows before Kal last minute saved him, and healed him with knobweed sap. He was present in many encounters such as the tower, Thaylen field, and Ishar's meeting. He flew off to Akinah before falling in the ocean and needing rescue.
The charismatic one-armed Herdazian, Who has a spren named Rua, and calls people "Gancho". He accompanied Rysn on her expedition to Akinah. Helped hide Elhokar while the armies were fighting in Narak
The Listener spy, disguised as a parshman, who joined bridge four. He was mistreated for being a parshman, unitl Kal gave him a spear and his trust. Known as "shen" for awhile. Bonded a Truthwatcher spren touched by Sja-anat.
The bondsmith's son, who joined Bridge four after seeing how much fun they were having. He is a truthwatcher, with a corrupted spren, and cannot create illusions. He wrote scratched marks on the wall declaring the end of all nations.
The baby faced vedan man was one of Kal's most loyal supporters. He was shot by a barrage of arrows by Parshendi, and Kal was unable to save him. He blamed this death on himself.
He was the last to trust Kaladin, but one of the first to draw in stormlight after an injury from Szeth. He doesn't talk often.
paired with his brother to protect Elhokar, and helped tend to Dalinar and Adolin's wounds after the assassin's attack. Wept over his dead brother at the hands of Szeth during the battle of Narak.
Paired with his brother to protect Elhokar, died by Szeth while trying to protect Dalinar.
Took an arrow straight through him on a bridge run, and was unable to be saved by Kaladin. He uttered a death rattle before he passed.
Told Kal about when Elhokar almost fell out of a balcony, and helped Kaladin originally accuse "the vyre". One of the first men to trust Rlain.
A bridgeman who is usually quiet and has bonded his own spren. He showed a liking to the barmaid when the bridgemen were getting drinks often.
Not much is known. He yelled at Kal after his recovery during the highstorm, and is scared of heights.
Died fighting Szeth in Narak.
Originally hostile towards Kal, but has some artistic ability, as he painted their carapace armor. Died in the battle of the tower.
Earless Jaks
An Alethi that took an arrow through the arm during a bridge run. He was one of three bridgemen to be instructed by Zahel to fight with Shardblades. He is known to be reliable, and loyal.
He got his name by having an "exact" map of Alethkar on his chest. He gave rock their beard-trimming supplies, and was very outgoing and bent on getting everyone talking. He was killed on a Sadeaus-Kholin cooperative bridge run.
A spindly man who got shot 5 times by arrows, then fell into a chasm.
Very Hesitant to have faith in Kaladin. He created a fire during one of Kal's medical performances, and died in the battle of the tower
A bridgeman who took a lethal axe wound to the arm during the battle of tower - and died of blood loss
A bridgeman that died on his first run after Kaladin took charge
A bridgeman who was present for a few bridge runs. He was found dead after Kaladin went searching for casualties. His body wasn't recovered.
Was a bridgeman who was part of the "deathline" where you are in the front of the bridge. Died by parsheni arrows, and was left for dead.
one of the Lopen's cousins that joined after they were relocated to Dalinar's camp. He had a hard time carrying their bridge after they sought him out to try. He died in the battle of Narak by parshendi.
Lopen's cousin, a windrunner of the third ideal. He was sent with his cousins to Akinah alongside Rysn. He prefers to use a shardhammer.
sent by Kal to guard Elhokar, and was ran through by Szeth's honorblade at the palace.
Was killed on a Sadeaus/Kholin Bridgerun, and Kal couldn't save him.
Was originally from Bavland, and listened to Took, the man who had Szeth's oathstone during an interlude, and tested szeth's loyalty. He was counted as a casualty in one of Kaladin's bridgeruns.
A bridgeman who took part in the deathline - and as a result got barraged by arrows. Kal couldn't find his body.
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