Quizzes by GeoQuizzes

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user GeoQuizzes.
# of Quizzes 331
# Subscribers 7
Times taken 18,094
Quizmaker Rank # 1,735
1,3872023-12-15Old Name of Countries #1
1,3092023-11-20Countries with the Most English Speakers
1,2982024-02-13Most Fragile Countries
2302024-09-10Old Flags of Countries #1
2222023-03-29Flags by Food
2152024-09-10Countries in Europe where the most Jews got murdered in WWII
2112024-09-12France: Flags of Regions and Overseas Territories
1882023-09-10Old Flags of Countries #4
1862024-10-10Old Flags of Countries #2
1832024-01-04Countries with the Most Jews
1772023-03-05The Flags of the Biggest Empires
1592023-11-27Colonial Africa on the Eve of WWI
1482024-10-10Color-Swapped Flags
1482023-03-04European Countries that invaded Poland
1392023-11-21Countries with the Most Tamil Speakers
1362023-12-17Countries that Recognize Palestine
1332023-11-24Countries with the Most Korean Speakers
1302023-12-23Countries that Recognize Kosovo
1262023-08-21Predicted Countries in FIFA World Cup 2026
1252024-09-13Drapeaux du Monde #1
1182024-02-02Most Powerful Countries
1112024-01-04Spanish Speaking Countries
1112023-10-04The Most Spoken Language in every Indian State
1112023-11-22Countries with the Most Hindi Speakers
1092023-06-26Countries that have been bombed by the US
1092024-01-04Countries which were Enemies of China in any War
1062024-10-10Old Flags of Countries #3
1062024-10-03Flags of the World #1
1042024-04-15Countries with the Most Arabic Speakers
1042023-08-19Empires in Modern Borders
1042024-02-04Third Most Spoken Language in every US State
1032024-02-09Countries with the Most Serial Killers
1002024-01-06Countries with the Most Timezones
1002023-11-20Countries with the Most French Speakers
982023-11-21Countries with the Most Russian Speakers
972023-11-22Countries with the Most German Speakers
962024-04-09Countries with the Most Powerful Passports
932024-09-11Flags in the Style of Kosovo
922023-11-21Countries with the Most Dutch Speakers
892023-03-04Countries that are not Recognized by Other Countries
892023-11-24Countries with the Most Turkish Speakers
852023-11-24Countries with the Most Chinese Speakers
832024-09-10Flags in the Style of Brazil
822023-10-09Brand Logos #1
822024-02-05Countries with the Most Spanish Speakers
822023-02-09Countries with the Most Airports
802023-11-21Countries with the Most Italian Speakers
772023-11-21Countries with the Most Polish Speakers
772024-11-21Flags of the Languages
772024-09-09United States: Flags of the States
762024-09-11Flags of the World #3
752023-06-06Countries with the Most Islands
742024-09-11Flags of the World #4
742024-01-24Countries with the Most Internet Users
742024-01-23Countries with the Most Police Officers
742024-08-08Countries by Second Largest Nationality
732023-05-26Enemies of the United States
732023-07-09Countries the US has invaded since 1776
722024-09-13Flags of the World #2
712024-09-11Flags of the British Colonies #1
712024-01-25Countries with the Largest Immigrant Groups in Algeria
702023-10-04The Second Most Spoken Language in every Indian State
702023-02-21Countries with the Biggest Military and Paramilitary Personnel
692023-05-14Countries with the Most Active Volcanoes
692024-09-09Flags of the Soviet Socialist Republics
692024-11-03Ethiopia: Flags of the Regions
662023-11-21Countries with the Most Portuguese Speakers
662023-06-06Countries with the Most Languages
612023-08-27Which countries have been on the Moon?
602023-08-28Identify the Flags #1
602024-09-19Drapeaux du Monde #2
602024-09-09The Flags of the German Cities
592023-03-04Old Name of Countries #2
572023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 1998
552023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 2022
552023-10-17Country by Flag Map #1
552024-08-08The Happiest Countries
542024-09-09Egypt: Flags of the Governorates
542024-09-09Belgium: Flags of the Provinces
542024-09-09Bolivia: Flags of the Departments
532024-09-12Flags of the World #5
522023-05-28Subdivision by Flag Map #1
522023-03-05The Flags of the Biggest Subdivisions
522023-12-03Countries with the Largest Immigrant Groups in Afghanistan
522023-08-31Countries with the Most Oil Reserves
512023-02-07Countries with the Most Railways (or Longest)
512023-10-12Population Passed by Nigeria
512023-05-20The Flags of the Italian Cities
502024-09-11Flags of the Continents
502023-12-03Countries with the Largest Immigrant Groups in Albania
482024-10-10Inverted Flags #1
482024-01-05Countries with the Most Olympic Medals
472024-01-03Airlines of the World #1
472024-02-04Third Most Spoken Language in every Canadian Province
472023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 2006
462024-09-11Banderas del Mundo #1
462023-02-07Countries with the Most Roadways (or Longest)
462024-01-25Countries with the Most UN Peacekeepers
452024-02-06Countries in FIFA World Cup 1930
452024-10-10South American Flags in Nordic Style
452024-09-09Duolingo Language Flags
452023-10-28Flags in the Style of California
442023-06-01Countries with the Most Buddhists
442024-12-13Flags of the World #10
442023-06-01Countries with the Most Christians
432023-10-30South Asian Flags in Nordic Style
432024-09-09United Arab Emirates: Flags of the Emirates
432024-02-15Left-Hand Driving Countries
432023-05-04French Speaking Countries
432024-09-12Flags of the World #7
432024-04-05Countries with the Most Immigrants
422023-05-30Countries with the Most Hindus
422023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 2002
422023-10-31Countries with 2 B's in its Name
412024-09-12Flags of the World #15 (Dependencies)
412024-09-09Argentina: Flags of the Provinces
412024-09-12Flags of the World #8
402024-09-09The Flags of the South Korean Cities
402024-09-12Flags of the World #9
402024-03-26Countries with the Most Billionaires
402024-10-10Historical Flags of Afghanistan
402023-05-14Previous Capitals of the World #1
402023-11-08Countries where North Korea has Embassies
392024-08-08Countries that are/will/might join BRICS
392024-09-12Flags of the World #11
392024-09-12Flags of the World #12
392023-10-31Countries with 2 C's in its Name
392023-03-25Old Name of Countries #3
392024-04-19The Most Spoken Languages in India
392024-02-04Olympic Host Cities
392023-05-14Countries with the Most Volcanoes (Updated)
382024-02-05Hosts of a FIFA World Cup
382024-09-09The Flags of the Canadian Cities
382023-03-11Country Names in their Most Spoken Language #1
382024-09-12Flags of the World #6
382024-10-10The Flags of the US Cities
382023-02-07Countries with the Most Waterways (or Longest)
372023-08-28Countries with Embassies in North Korea
372024-09-09Country Flags in Nordic Style
372023-06-04Country by Flag Map #2
372023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 1982
372023-04-25Countries with Tigers
362023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 1994
362023-03-13Countries that use Euro
362023-03-11Country Names in their Most Spoken Language #2
362023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 2014
352024-09-09Austria: Flags of the States
352024-03-26Countries with the Most McDonald's Restaurants
352024-09-13Drapeaux du Monde #3
342023-03-0422 countries that the UK has not invaded
342024-09-09Pakistan: Flags of the Historical and Current Provinces
332024-09-09Australia: Flags of the States and Territories
332023-03-03Countries that banned travel from India
332023-03-28Country Names in their Most Spoken Language #4
332024-09-09Germany: Flags of the States
332023-05-31Countries with the Most Muslims
332024-09-09The Flags of the British Cities
322023-10-30Leading Countries by YouTube Audience
322024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Brazil in FIFA
322023-03-03The Countries that Shut Down the Internet the Most
322023-10-29Emblems of the World #1
322024-01-25Countries with the Most Forest Area
322023-06-01Flag Map by Australian Subdivision
322023-02-09Countries in FIFA World Cup 1934
312024-09-09Flags of the World #16 (Dependencies)
312023-02-11Countries in FIFA World Cup 1950
312023-03-26Countries/Territories Queen Elizabeth II Visited
312024-09-09The Flags of the Chinese Cities
302023-03-08Leading Countries based on Instagram Users
302023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 2010
302023-09-08Richest Countries (and Dependencies) by GDP per Capita
302023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 1990
302023-05-30Flag Maps of the US States or Territory
292023-05-04German Speaking Countries
292023-03-11Country Names in their Most Spoken Language #3
292023-12-14Languages on Google Translate
292024-09-12Flags of the World #14
292023-03-02Countries in FIFA World Cup 1970
282024-02-02Flag Map by Japanese Prefecture
282024-09-09The Flags of the Japanese Cities
282023-06-04Country by Flag Map #5
272024-09-10Flags in the Style of United States
272024-09-09India: Unofficial Flags of the States and Union Territories
272023-03-13Countries that use Dinar
272024-09-11Flags of the Former & Current Communist Nations
272023-10-13Portuguese Speaking Countries
272024-01-05Candidates for the 7 New Wonders
272024-09-09The Flags of the French Cities
262024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Spain in FIFA
262023-03-13Countries that use Ruble
262023-05-24Countries with cities bigger than their Capital
262024-09-12Flags of the World #13
262023-09-13Cities of the World
252023-05-07The World’s Biggest Military Spenders
252023-03-13Countries that use Krone
252023-02-11Countries in FIFA World Cup 1958
252024-02-02Most Polluted Countries
252023-05-07Countries with Current and Resolved Disputes with China
252023-06-02Flag Map by German Subdivision
252024-09-09Canada: Flags of the Provinces and Territories
252024-09-09The Flags of the Brazilian Cities
242024-10-10Inverted Flags #4
242023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 1974
242023-06-04Country by Flag Map #3
242023-06-04Country by Flag Map #4
242023-08-19Countries that border China
232023-05-07Countries/Territories that use Pound
232023-05-29Subdivision by Flag Map #2
232023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 2018
232023-03-12Countries that use Peso
232023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 1986
232023-02-11Countries in FIFA World Cup 1938
232024-09-09Only Countries that defeated England in FIFA
232023-08-20Countries that border France*
222024-09-11Flags of the British Colonies #3
222023-03-06The Flags of the Capitals #1
222024-09-09Somalia: Flags of the Federal Member States
222024-09-11Most Guessed Countries in the "Countries of the World" Quiz
222024-02-05Hosts of a FIBA World Cup
222024-09-09Most Used Country/Dependency Flag Emojis
222023-10-24Flag Map by Belizean District
222023-06-04Country by Flag Map #6
222023-02-11Countries in FIFA World Cup 1962
212024-02-13The Northernmost Countries and Dependencies
212023-10-16Subdivision by Flag Map #4
212023-02-11Countries in FIFA World Cup 1954
212023-06-01Population Passed by Democratic Republic of the Congo
212024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Croatia in FIFA
212024-09-19Flags of the European Capitals
202024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 2014
202023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 1966
202023-05-29Subdivision by Flag Map #3
202024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Germany in FIFA
202023-08-27Flags with a Crescent
202024-09-09Only Countries that defeated France in FIFA
202023-03-04Countries affected by Trump's Travel Ban
202023-08-27Flags with the Union Jack
202023-08-20Countries that border Germany
202023-05-17Countries in FIFA World Cup 1978
202023-03-28Country Names in their Most Spoken Language #5
202023-09-08Richest Countries by GDP per Capita
202024-01-24Countries with the Most COVID-19 Cases (Updated)
192023-10-29Emblems of the World #2
192024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Argentina in FIFA
192023-06-04Country by Flag Map #7
192024-01-05Emblems of the Soviet Socialist Republics
192023-10-29Emblems of the World #3
192023-10-30Leading Countries based on Facebook Users
192024-09-09Andorra: Flags of the Parishes
182023-09-27Countries that border Brazil*
182024-09-10Only Countries that defeated Austria in FIFA
182024-09-11Flags of the Subregions
182024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 2010
182023-09-27Countries that border India
182024-10-10Inverted Flags #3
182024-01-11Members of "𝘓𝘢 𝘍𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦"
172023-06-14Country by Flag Map #10
172024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Uruguay in FIFA
172024-09-12Flags of the World #17 (Dependencies)
162023-03-15Country by Map #1
162024-02-02Least Polluted Countries
162024-09-11Chile: Flags of the Regions
162024-09-09Bahrain: Flags of the Governorates
162024-10-06All Qatar Airways Destinations
162024-09-10Only Countries that defeated United States in FIFA
162024-10-10Inverted Flags #2
152023-04-25Countries with Lions on their Coat of Arms
152024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Netherlands in FIFA
152023-06-01Population Passed by Pakistan
152023-06-01Flag Map by Canadian Subdivision
152023-05-27Historical Flags of Democratic Republic of the Congo
152023-03-13Countries that use Rial/Riyal
152024-10-04Future Capitals of Countries
142024-02-19Country that uses Koruna
142023-10-30Leading Countries based on Twitter Users
142024-10-10The Flags of the Capitals #5
142024-09-09Belarus: Flags of the Regions
142024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Italy in FIFA
142024-09-09Historical Flags of United States
142023-06-04Country by Flag Map #8
142024-09-09Brazil: Flags of the Federative Units
142024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 2006
132023-03-10The Largest Cities
132023-03-13Countries that use Rupee/Rupiah/Rufiyaa
132023-08-28Countries that recognize Taiwan
132023-08-19Countries that border Russia
132023-06-05Country by Flag Map #9
132024-10-10Historical Flags of Iran
132024-09-09The Flags of the Most Populated Subdivisions
132024-01-05The Flags of the Capitals #3
122024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 2002
122023-03-28Countries/Territories that use Dollar
122023-08-20Countries that border Italy
122024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1998
122023-03-28Countries/Collectivities that use Franc
112024-07-24FIFA Teams that won’t Participate in the 2026 World Cup
112024-10-10Nordic Flags
112024-09-09Only Countries that defeated Colombia in FIFA
112023-10-31Leading Countries by Snapchat Audience
112024-09-11Flags of the British Colonies #2
112024-10-10The Flags of the Capitals #2
102024-10-10The Flags of the Capitals #4
102023-08-04Country by Flag Map #11
102023-04-19Countries with 11-Letter Names
92024-01-04Emblems of the World #4
92023-08-21Countries that start from A
92023-03-25Countries with Flag Emojis in emojidex
92023-03-13Countries that use Won
82024-12-14Tour the World - Renald Francoeur
82023-03-03Countries which stopped using the AstraZeneca Vaccine
82023-05-17Pays qui utilisent Krone
82024-02-05Countries in FIBA World Cup 1954
82024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1994
72024-09-10Only Countries that defeated Japan in FIFA
72024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1986
72023-05-07Countries on the Equator
72024-09-11Flags of Cities
62024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1963
62023-03-13Countries that use Dirham
62024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1990
52024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1959
52023-04-16Countries that have their own flag Emoji in Mozilla
52024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1974
42023-03-14Countries that have their own flag Emoji in au by KDDI
42024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1950
42024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1982
32024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1978
32024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1967
22024-02-23Countries in FIBA World Cup 1970
22024-08-08The Oldest Discovered Moons of Saturn