Name A City That...
Begins with the letter D
Dallas, Denver, Detroit...
Has a city proper population over 1 million
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago...
Is in the Seattle metro area (excluding Seattle)
Tacoma, Bellevue, Everett...
Is in Montana
Billings, Missoula, Great Falls...
Lies at an elevation over 7,500 feet
Alamosa, Mammoth Lakes, Aspen...
Had a population over 10,000 in 1900 and is west of the Mississippi
San Francisco, Minneapolis, Denver...
Has a population under 100
Monowi, Greenhorn, Lakeside...
Lies on the Colorado River
Grand Junction, Yuma, Moab...
Is home to at least one person worth more than $10 billion
New York, Medina, Bentonville...
Lies on the Gulf Coast
Tampa, Corpus Christi, Mobile...
Has the word "city" in its name
Oklahoma City, Kansas City, Jersey City...
Borders Lake Erie
Cleveland, Buffalo, Toledo...
Shares its county's name
Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Dallas...
Is on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan
Marquette, Sault Ste. Marie, Escanaba...
Is on an international border
San Diego, El Paso, Detroit...
Almost half of this quiz was made on mobile using Stewart's quiz editor.
Hawaii's only incorporated city is Honolulu; all the rest are Census Designated Places. This is why there are seemingly no Hawaiian cities.
San Jose does not have one million inhabitants in this quiz because it uses populations from the 2010 census. In 2010, San Jose had only 955,255 people.
Cities which added "City," "-ville," or something similar to the end of their county's name were still counted as the same name.
I counted Virginia's (and all other) consolidated city-counties like normal counties. Parishes and boroughs were used as counties in Louisiana and Alaska, respectively.
To determine what cities were west of the Mississippi, I followed the path of the river to the source, then drew a line directly north from the source to the Canadian border. All cities on the west side of this line were counted. Cities on both sides of the Mississippi were considered to be on the west side.
# refers to the total number of possible cities. The number of unique answers is usually much lower, as many states have cities with the same name as those in other states.
Cities within 0.5 miles (~0.75 km) of the Colorado were considered to be on it.
New York City is not included for cities that include "city" in their name because the official name is New York, and City is only used to differentiate from the state.
Cities situated on a river border still count as bordering, but not those that have lake or ocean border.
Cities on the Gulf Coast include bays but not rivers or lakes.
Like I said, amazing quiz!
I counted Virginia's (and all other) consolidated city-counties like normal counties.
I know either way you will get people complain about it. But I think consistency is important. I think the better choice is requiring "city" in the earlier question. because typing the same thing twice and one time it is accepted and the other time it isnt while the answer is the same is, well, weird.