English | French | % Correct |
the frog | la grenouille | 89%
the goat | la chèvre | 85%
the kitten | le chaton | 85%
the koala | le koala | 85%
the lizard | le lézard | 81%
the eagle | l'aigle | 74%
the llama | le lama | 74%
the deer | le cerf | 67%
the camel | le chameau / le dromadaire | 67%
the crab | le crabe | 67%
the chipmunk / the squirrel | l'écureuil | 67%
the pelican | le pélican | 67%
the puppy | le chiot | 63%
the kangaroo | le kangourou | 63%
the hyena | la hyène | 59%
the lobster | le homard | 59%
the goose | l'oie | 59%
the falcon | le faucon | 56%
the hamster | le hamster | 56%
the moose | l'élan / l'orignal | 56%
the emu | l'emeu | 52%
the jellyfish | la méduse | 48%
the ostrich | l'autruche | 48%
the seal | le phoque | 48%
the oyster | l'huître | 48%
the octopus | le poulpe / la pieuvre | 44%
the shrimp | la crevette | 33%
the sloth | le paresseux | 33%
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