Hint | Answer | % Correct |
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer | Mark Twain | 90%
Uncle Tom's Cabin | Harriet Beecher Stowe | 83%
Little Women | Louisa May Alcott | 76%
The Federalist Papers | John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, James Madiosn | 74%
Rip Van Winkle | Washington Irving | 60%
Annabel Lee | Edgar Allen Poe | 57%
The House of Seven Gables | Nathaniel Hawthorne | 55%
The Red Badge of Courage | Stephen Crane | 55%
Civil Disobedience | Henry Thoreau | 52%
Billy Budd | Herman Melville | 52%
The Deerslayer | James Fenimore Cooper | 43%
Self Reliance | Ralph Waldo Emerson | 36%
Song of Myself | Walt Whitman | 33%
The American Spelling Book | Noah Webster | 26%
Sister Carrie | Theodore Dreiser | 26%
Ben Hur | Lew Wallace | 21%
The American Crisis | Thomas Paine | 21%
The Wreck of the Hesperus | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 17%
The Man Without a Country | Edward Everett Hale | 2%
Barbra Fritchie | John Greenleaf Whittier | 2%
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