Question | Answer | % Correct |
Grows more wheat overall | Ukraine | 94%
Has a greater land area | Ukraine | 92%
Was once the wealthiest country on earth per capita | United Kingdom | 89%
Has a nuclear arsenal | United Kingdom | 85%
Drives on the right side of the road | Ukraine | 80%
Came into existence as a country first | United Kingdom | 78%
Has a drinking age of 18 | Both | 67%
Relies on nuclear power as the primary source of energy | Ukraine | 62%
Has a Christian head of state | United Kingdom | 51%
The most popular alcoholic drink is beer | United Kingdom | 51%
Has a higher fertility rate | United Kingdom | 50%
Is a member of the Council of Europe | Both | 45%
Has a lower average elevation | United Kingdom | 43%
Has a capital city with at least 4 million inhabitants | United Kingdom | 38%
Took part in the occupation of Iraq following Saddam Hussein's deposition | Both | 14%
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