Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Large shopping mall in South Portland | {Maine} Mall | 80%
The Portland Head Lighthouse is located in this nearby town | Cape {Elizabeth} | 60%
Portland touches this bay | Casco Bay | 60%
County that Portland is part of | Cumberland | 60%
This park area with walking trails at the East End has the old Fort Allen | Eastern {Promenade} | 60%
Event in 1866 that destroyed much of the city—the above poet compared it to Pompeii | Great Fire | 60%
Poet who turned Paul Revere into a well-known national hero | Henry Wadsworth Longfellow | 60%
Portland's airport is instead referred to as this | {Jet}port | 60%
Minor league baseball team based at Hadlock Field | Sea Dogs | 60%
Estuary that forms Portland Harbor | Fore River | 40%
Overgrown fort on Hog Island Ledge that was never used for battle | Fort {Gorges} | 40%
Largest grocery chain in Maine, founded in Portland | Hannaford | 40%
What is the second largest city in Maine after Portland? | Lewiston | 40%
Most visited island of Portland, accessible by ferry | Peaks Island | 40%
Historic mansion in the West End, also known as Morse-Libby | {Victoria} Mansion | 40%
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