Hint | Answer | % Correct |
How many regions border the tagant region? | 6 | 100%
Are there more men or women in the region? | men | 100%
Does it border any countries? (Yes or No) | no | 100%
How many departments is it split up into? | 3 | 75%
What is the population rounded to the nearest ten thousand? | 80,000 | 75%
What is the capitol? | Tidjikja | 75%
What about the smallest? (in land area) | Moudjeria | 50%
Largest city | Nbeika | 50%
What is the capitol of the largest department? (in land area) | Tichit | 50%
Third largest city | Tidjikja | 50%
Second largest city | Soudoud | 25%
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