
Ancient megastructures - Picture quiz

Name the ancient buildings and structures from the pictures. Many are large or impressive even by today's standards.
Quiz by HelveticaBold
Last updated: June 30, 2019
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First submittedJune 30, 2019
Times taken65
Average score38.9%
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Giza, 2,560 B.C.
Rome, 1st century
Siem Reap, 12th century
The Great Pyramid
Angkor Wat
Constantinople, 6th century
Petra, 1st century
15th century
Xi'an, 7th Century
Babylon, 700 B.C.
Alexandria, 280 B.C.
Giant Wild Goose Pagoda
Ziggurat of Etemenanki
Pharos Lighthouse
3rd century B.C. - 9th century
El Mirador, 300 B.C.
China, 7th century B.C. - 14th century
The Great Pyramid of Cholula
La Danta Temple
Great Wall of China
Athens, 5th century B.C.
Maharashtra, 8th century
Muntilan, 9th century
The Parthenon
Kailasha Temple
Rome, 1st century
Bodrum, 350 B.C.
Teotihuacan, 1st century
Nemi Ships
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
Pyramid of the Sun
Level 59
Jun 30, 2019
Great Quiz, though a bit tough. Please accept Kailash for Kailasha