I like to make quizzes a bit of a challenge at least. I had considered putting the sizes of the 'things' to make it easier but I feared then it would just be 'Guess the countries that are X-km in area', which isn't half as fun.
Well I'd hoped that if one wasn't able to guess the country it would at least be educational, or just interesting to gauge how a lake can be larger than a whole country, or even how a planetoid can be smaller than one :-)
I love feedback. I thought that on balance having no yellow box with less time was better than more time with a yellow box, but I wonder if y'all think that the time is still too short? I don't want it to be long enough so people just type every country and get it with pure guesswork, I people try and use educated guesses at least.
I like the idea but I don't think it works very well. I agree it's educational anyway. What about adding a yellow box allowing more than one answer, eg any that are within 10% or the 5 closest?