Hint | Country | % Correct |
The Holy Land | Israel | 98%
Moses led his people away from here | Egypt | 97%
Then known as Persia | Iran | 96%
Nineveh and Babylon were located here | Iraq | 94%
Where St. Paul died | Italy | 93%
Several regions of this country are mentioned including Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia | Turkey | 92%
St. Paul wrote epistles to people in different cities here | Greece | 91%
On the other side of the river from the Holy Land | Jordan | 90%
Known for its cedar trees | Lebanon | 88%
Isaiah promised that this country's capital would be a "ruinous heap". The prophecy seemed to come true in the 2010s. | Syria | 88%
St. Paul sailed near this island | Cyprus | 86%
The easternmost extent of the Persian Empire | India | 83%
Westernmost country mentioned in the Bible | Spain | 83%
Kings from here brought gold to Solomon | Saudi Arabia | 82%
Mediterranean country home to the city of Cyrene | Libya | 79%
St. Paul shipwrecked here | Malta | 72%
The land of Sheba might have been located here | Yemen | 72%
Mentioned as the region of Cush (Kush) | Sudan | 70%
A couple minor characters escaped into this mountainous region | Armenia | 67%
Titus traveled to Dalmatia, on this country's coast | Croatia | 67%
The Gihon river, flowing from the Garden of Eden, encompasses this entire country | Ethiopia | 63%
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