
Curb Your Enthusiasm Super-Fan Quiz

A quiz with random Curb facts for super-fans
Quiz by YungTater
Last updated: March 8, 2023
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First submittedMarch 8, 2023
Times taken122
Average score50.0%
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What is the name of Larry's "spite store"
Latte Larry's
What did Larry confront the HBO executive about?
Stealing shrimp
How did Larry chip his tooth?
Biting into fake fruit
What typo was on Larry's Mother's headstone?
"Past" away
Who was the "anonymous" donor for the NRDC building?
Ted Danson
Who owns the golf club that Larry belongs to?
Mr. Takahashi
How did Marty Funkhouser's nephew die?
Running of the bulls
What actor studies Larry for a role and becomes just like him?
Jon Hamm
Why does Larry go into hiding for a few months?
What food was supposed to be Oscar's last meal, but Jeff and Larry ate?
What play did Larry fall asleep watching, twice?
What gift did Larry give to Ted Danson for his birthday?
Freak book
Who got mad at Larry for not tipping him after doing Larry a favor?
Mocha Joe
Who "foisted" Larry's bad assistant upon him?
Jimmy Kimmel
Why did that assistant stay home from work for two days?
Who does Larry get mad at for shaking up a soda?
Michael J. Fox
Who buys Larry and inflatable sex doll?
Freddy Funkhouser
What does Larry accidentally splash urine on?
A picture of Jesus
What questionable guest does Larry invite to Seder?
Sex offender
Why does Larry fire his divorce lawyer?
He wasn't Jewish
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